Tree of Savior Forum

Game Improvement Talking Points - First Impressions

So I have had a bit of time in the game and there are a few things that conceptually are worth re-evaluating. I want this to be constructive as I want the game to improve, so if you’re going to just complain/rant, please do it elsewhere. Plenty of threads to do so.


  • The first is to address the grind/commitment. I have no problem with it, but I do feel that keeping in mind that one of the major selling points of the game is the many forms of customization (along with the probability of changes to classes) there should be a way to “re-specialize” so to speak. There could be a cost associated with it of course, but instead of only resetting skill points, you reset all circles and are able to pick a different route. You could even include a cooldown of 1+ weeks after doing so in order to avoid abuse. This could allow people to not feel like they have to start over if they made a mistake or something changed.

Head Start

  • This is somewhat of an alternative to re-specialization. If you reach certain levels on one character on your account, whatever it may be, say 100, 150, 200, 250, etc., you may then allow players to choose to start a new character with a head start of some kind. Either directly, or through experience cards that would equate to that level. Again, this alleviates some of the overwhelming anxiety that can come from realizing every choice you make is permanent in this game and any incorrect skill selection, or worse class selection, could require you to completely start over.

Trade Limitation

  • Honestly, this thread is the best attempt to address the problem I’ve seen and is well thought out.

If you have any additional suggestions, I will read comments and if I agree with something I will edit it into my thread. I just want to make things work a bit more smoothly.