Tree of Savior Forum

Game Feedback and Suggestion

To start i’d like to say that i find awesome that some Ragnarok players got interested in tree of savior. The art of the game looks exactly what Ragnarok 2 should have been but wasn’t.

The art is nice and all with cartoonist style just like Ragnarok was when it was first launched
But this game is not a continuation to Ragnarok and it surely isn’t a Ragnarok 2!

This game is called Tree of Savior and has no connection to Ragnarok franchise at all. Actually the only connection it has to Ragnarok is that apparently some guy that worked on Ragnarok also works with Tree of Savior team, but that’s it.

Now… lets go to the real Feedback

I’m a veteran player of MMORPGs and games in general. I started playing MMOs 15 years ago with a game called “TIBIA” (yeah… don’t judge me pls) and after that it was “Priston tale” and “Ragnarok”. Then 2006 happened and I discovered a game that everyone that likes mmorpgs probably have played at least once in their lives, and this game is “World of Warcraft”. I still play WoW nowadays and as everyone know some times WoW just don’t have anymore content to do and ppl just unsub for a period of time and jump back in once a new patch arises. I’m no different from those ppl and when i unsub i start looking to other mmorpgs to see if there is something cool around. Normally what I find is a bunch of WoW clones or games that have potential but devs simple abandoned their project for some reason and stopped improving the game.

With that said I’d like to list some few things that I find very strange and give some suggestions

1 - Leveling

it looks like some maps have a lot of monsters and other maps just don’t have a good amount of them. Also they take ages to respawn and it just make very difficult to grind with or without a party. Its better to keep running around killing monsters around the map.

With that said i believe that aside from a few maps that don’t have quests on them, all the other maps with quests are about questing and the number of monsters that are there are few because no one was supposed to be grinding there. It looks like the idea was to just complete the quests and move on.

There are some maps with no quests at all like “Royal Mausoleum Constructor’s Chapel” where monsters respawn a lot faster and apparently gives far more experience that the usual for their level and difficulty.

If this is the case (and even if it’s not) I think you guys should consider making monsters a little harder to kill, with more HP and at the same time increase vastly the amount of experience all monsters gives.
I find it really strange that I can destroy a monster that is 20 levels above me with a single skill and even more strange to be able to kill a BOSS that is 10 levels or more above me. This kind of thing at the same time that makes me feel powerful it also makes me question why am I fighting helpless monsters of same level as me instead of rushing forward to end the main quest faster.
That Rexipher boss I had so much expectation that it was going to be something awesome. But even at 10 levels of difference he was no challenge at all and that is just… wrong.

Aside from that I think this game has too few quests. It would be nice to have far more quests then we have now but for this to work the experience cards should give far less experience. By doing this you would be giving some “meaningful” things to do.Killing stuff just for the sake of killing is strange. It just doesn’t feel like you are accomplishing anything.

Another suggestion would be to make more things that gives experience even if its far less then killing monster or completing quests. Something like fishing, Squire abilities, reading books or exploring and finding secrets etc.

2 - Attributes

I just don’t understand why some attributes have some training time and some are instantly trained. Don’t understand me wrong but if you guys are going with this system of some attributes requiring some time to train it would be nice to have some kind of queue system implemented.

Being “forced” to get back to main city every 10min to train some new attribute is bad, really. If you guys could design a system where we can buy lots of talents and queue them would be nice. It’s a pain to train “concentrate” for an example. It starts with 3 minutes i guess and after that there is a 2 min increase, which means “concentrate” lvl 2 is 5 min, lvl 3 its 7 min, lvl 4 it’s 9 min and so on.

This means that I don’t even have time to go back to actually play the game. I have to sit down and wait until i train it at least to lvl 25 to be able to go back playing the game in an efficient way without the need to go back to town to train another attribute.

Queue time would be a gigantic quality of life change because it would allow everyone to actually play the game instead of just being afk for some time until you buy another attribute and wait some more time.

Nice feedback. I agree that the EXP gain and mob difficulty/density needs to be reworked somehow, which may also involve reworking stats and level growth - but as it is now I think it is broken.

On the subject of attributes, there was a really good idea brought up in another thread ( Attribute learning time delay ) which could be used to replace the training time, but the thread has kind of gotten buried.

The basic idea is that the ‘Enhance’ attributes that increase damage of a skill, could be increased simply by using that skill. When you use a skill, that skill gets EXP until the attribute ‘Levels up’. The other attributes could be things that you unlock. So, for example; perhaps you can learn the Cleric’s ‘Heal: Remove Damage’ attribute by using the Heal skill to heal a total of 100k. This would remove the training time and add also a fun element to the game, while preventing you from simply levelling all your attributes to max immediately (assuming you had the money to do so).