Tree of Savior Forum

*game breaking bug* anyone can disband a guild at will/ please take immediate action

This needs attention IMMEDIATELY. IMC needs to hear everyone’s voice in regards to this bug. I feel that guilds are an essential aspect to Tree of Savior. A bug that allows anyone in the guild (i.e. a new person you add to the guild), to disband your guild without being a Guild Leader or Guild Leader’s permission.

This happened to me a short while ago. A person feigning as a new recruit, was recently added to the guild, and literally 30 seconds later disbanded the guild. This effectively flushed our hard earned money, and talt down the drain- if IMC does not do anything, we will have to spend 1million silver to recreate our guild and also forfeit all the talt we have invested in the guild.



This is hilarious and sad at the same time. IMC fix your game.


This actually happen to my guild earlier today. We are a guild of bunch of friends in real life and non of us would disband it. We lost our guild seconds after we invited a random. PLEASE FIX THIS.


Oh my God!
I am so sorry to hear of it.

THAT is a real bad Bug. I woul say it is almost as big as this “unlimeted circle-works” from cbt2…
Oh Godesses have mercy with all guilds @.@

This needs to be fixed ASAP!! Or there will be a big big drama comming our ways.

(but it is weekend and the devs have their free day… )

So you rather wait creating/ inviting now …

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@F9AngeL please do urgently send in a support ticket about this matter too. The same applies to those who have also had their guilds deleted due to people being silly in regards to the bug.

Sorry to hear that this has happened though, hopefully you can get back your guild without having to pay again.


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Sorry for your (hopefully temporary) loss. My guild was also disbanded. As a fellow dev, this is highly disappointing and embarrassing. I hope IMC has a meeting with their QA team to review their test plans.

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Roger. Submitted my ticket before posting all this jazz on the forum. Thanks for helping bring awareness, m8.

Who’d have thought IMC couldn’t code? Oh, we already knew that, lol.

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can you remake it? Sorry to hear that

Will be nice if they would fix gravity pole party game crush bug too. (You can even crash people games on purpose with it)
And necromikon not fully restoring with pots bug.
And Rise not applying on enemy bug.
And many many more…

These all bugs were here from the start - and not yet fixed.
So I think it’s beyond fixing…