Tree of Savior Forum

Gae Bulg Without Dragoon3

Date and Time(Please, specify the timezone) : After rank9 happened. Perhaps sooner, I just didn’t have Dragoon to test it with before the rank resets.

Server Name: Klaipeda

Team Name: HippieExpress

Character Name: Kazoo

Bug Description :
Gae Bulg without the Dragoon3 “Gae Bulg: Retrieve” is unresponsive and almost never works like it should. The shield icon that should represent where to pick the object back up doesn’t show up at. After the animation your left with several seconds of running in the squire without the spear/pike thrown. Even moments after the squire disappears your still stuck waiting for it to come back. There also use to be a clicking noise indicating you got it back, which is missing.


Screenshots / Video :

Playlist is divided into five videos of examples with more details.

This skill is pretty bugged. Sometimes when you get flinched by attacks while casting GB, your char will throw the spear twice in a row, both damage and effects proc twice as well…

Sometimes the spear doesn’t hit enemies that are slightly bellow the landing area.

When you throw the spear outside the boundaries of a map, it takes more time to recover the spear.

I havn’t notice any of those problems yet. Probably cause I just straight up can’t use the skill at all. I don’t care so much about the damage as long I can at least get the freaking buff from it without losing my spear entirely. Its going on like two months already and Gae Bulg C1-C2 still isn’t fixed. Multiple people have already made posts about the issue already. I’ve submitted about five tickets so far and each time I get some half ass response from Tosmanager2 bot.

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