Tree of Savior Forum

[Future rank 8] Job & Skill test info from Korea - (closing soon)

I hope that is wrong cause Im working on a Archer3 Qs3 Falco1 build for Hakkapalle :scream: and if multishot does not stack will kill my build

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I see, thanks for the info, I really hope it doesn’t need it, else i’ll need to reroll my cleric lol :sweat_smile:

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If you have an archer, you could unequip your bow and use multishot on the enemy. If your damage increases per multishot hit, it means it has stacked arrows (-10% def per arrow, so damage should increase).

You will need a high defence target to notice the effect. Or ask someone with high HP to pvp and test it.

Unequipping weapon will reduce your damage variation.
I can try it too, but not at this moment.

Thanks you for the info, I will try it

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Korean buff problem similar to ours:

Other image, I liked:


hahahaha that problem between the chaplain and monk happened in Granado Espada too, the Devs just make that level inferior buff will not remove high level buffs


I replied to you in my other thread. Multishot will stack arrows! :slight_smile:

Hey @greyhiem have you seen anything about god finger flick also spreading via the wheel? 9 I suppose it does since it’s similar to double punch’s debuff), but it’d be very interesting for amplifying god smash against a crowd.

I have not seen any Kr monk use god finger flick (it cannot stack with double punch debuff). They prefer to spam double punch instead.

It sounds very viable, since finger flick is +50% strike damage (double punch just +30%). Wheel duration is kind of short at inquisitor1 so perhaps inquis2/3 wheel will have more combo possibilities. Most inquis1 have to spam all high damage skills before wheel fades away.

Thanks you very much :kissing_heart:

From another thread, example:
Inquisitor breaking wheel splashes object damage (ice shard, owl statue laser).

another video on the wheel again


  • Deathrone Hold debuff


  • Serpentine new attribute
  • Knockdown

Fade cant avoid it’s AOE splash damage

Wheel is consider as magic circle can be destroyed by lancer, cannon, can be affected by micro dimension, reverse and capture

Is this manga pic come from japan forum? I want to find more.

Japanese art is more perverted and lewd.

This is from the Korean forum, yes. They post quite some art and images (in class section), so I have seen a lot. Corsair art is most depressing.

I see. That pic all use japanese language that why I thought it’s come from japan.
Maybe I have to look around Kr forum to find more. lol

I wonder if it can be targetted by hunter’'s skill, hope they build a list with all the things that it can and cannot transfer.

The Team Instinct of Tree Of Savior.

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Pretty sure that’s from JP not KR.

Hi Greyhiem. Can you confirm that casting physical skills during Werewolf mode use your physical attack instead of the 5k phy attack of the wolf?

@Wurmheart did something change or was it still the same?

When you transform in werewolf your stats increase, all skills used in werewolf mode use the increased stats + the wolf attack in the case of physical skills.