Tree of Savior Forum

Full Support Stats (Wiz 1 - Cryo 1 - Linker 2 - Chrono 3)

Hey guys. I’m starting playing tos with some friends (havent play until free open) and I decided to go a full support wiz (wiz1, cryo1, link2, chrono3).

I dont have problem “being carried” through the grinding / lvling.

I read some guides, opinions and stuffs but I still dont know if going for a “0” INT build is fine or not. Some players said that SPR is really useless late game too and I was thinking about building a CON:SPR 4~5:1 but I’m really doubtful about any theorycrafting about stats and gameplay.

I always played mmorgp’s really focusing extremely specifically builds that helps a lot GvG, MvP and super hard late game dungeons so what do you guys think about stats and more for a 100% focused support build.

This is a spacetime chrono build and its one of the dankest most potent party control/support you can get. You can reset joint*8 with pass (16 enemies at once: joint>hk>pass>joint>hk) which is insane. Cryo lasts forever and doesn’t fall off like pyro since it has overcharge cc to use in tandem with hk.

For stats, 60-90 con is more than enough at level 240. No spirit. Bossing for you will be a nightmare, so bring the friends that drool over your support skills.

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Awesome build, go for it!

But What else? I mean, INT doesnt look very helpful on a spacetime chrono build. If CON didnt give me max carry capacity I would think about going STR too but CON also gives me that.

Well, int scales poorly and you could go full con if that’s what you like. Con has a threshold of usefulness as far as actual pve combat is concerned. Adding int after you no longer “need” con would be to reduce solo/questing times. Personal preference of con:int.

Yeh, Int for PvE, Con for PvP. Because you’ll never deal enough damages with your offensive skills in PvP if you build a full support Wizard.

I’m trying to do a Wizard support but I’m wondering if Thaumaturge is worth it, because it’s too much PvE oriented :(.

For this build, honestly go full CON. You can put points is SPR but in the end you will be using SP potions all the time and they’re cheaper than the market ones if you consider efficiency (much cheaper) so it’s mosly a waste of points. The more points you put in one stat the closer you get to 500. After 500 points in one stat every point actually gives you 2 points. You can search for this on Stats in Toswiki or something like that.

You don’t have any DPS skills, Cryo is only CCs later on, at least without snow rolling which is still meh, not really bad skills, is just that there is no real point on putting INT to improve: Energy Bolt, Earthquake, Ice Bolt, Ice Pike, Ice Wall. That’s all spells you have that cause damage and none of them cause REAL damage.

As you are playing with a party you can go with this build, full CON and I’m pretty sure you won’t regret it, you will be the most loved member of your party. Seriously, you have no idea how important those classes can be if you haven’t played the game.

Friendly Advice: Ask one of your friends to be Quarrel Shooter 3. That’s a very popular branch of Archer. It has a buff on attack speed that can be shared through Linker 2. Also he benefits a LOT from Linker AND from chrono, he should have the best internet connection and PC of your team, I can’t even begin to describe you how this combo (you + QS3) will improve your party.

I believe that one of my friends is going for a Quarrel Shooter 3 build. We are gonna have a good time in the future! :slight_smile:

Thank you guys for the replies. I have some solid ideas about my build now.

One question. Slow or Lethargy? Which one is more effective? I know it’s only a wiz 1 lvl 5 or 4 skill but meh, why not asking.

You only get lethargy for the strike attribute - so only 1 point there. Slow is better. I also agree with full con. In your entire lifetime you’ll only have 3 attacking spells. Linker/Chrono literally does not damage unlike it’s cyro/chrono counterpart. You won’t use earthquake or energy bolt past rank 2.


Lethargy level 1 has an attribute that gives +100% damage to strike attacks, that’s the only point of lethargy so it depends on wether your team has those or not.

Slow is completely different, it cuts enemie’s Mov Speed which is very good since you can reduce it bu a lot. Keep in mind that base Mov Speed for players is 30.

Yeah. I’m rank 3 right now and i dont use earthquake. It kinda leaves the mob ‘messy’ and it doesnt help that much. I thought it would be more helpful than it really is. Sometimes it’s ok to use when my dpsers are in a bad position but that’s not common.

I’m really feeling ok with full CON build atm. I can be a solid tank/off-tank and kinda control the mob with Ice Pike/Wall and Hangman.

I’m looking forward mid/late game content to experience the best from my build.