Tree of Savior Forum

Full INT or full CON for a Pyro 3 / Thaumaturge 3?

Hey guys.

A the title says, I was wondering if I should go full INT or full CON for a Wiz1-Pyro3-Thaum3 build.

My main concern is Transpose, since going full INT will leave me pretty vulnerable even after using the skill.

On the other hand, full CON makes Transpose a “glass cannon” trigger, but will slow down leveling and won’t benefit as much from Swell Brain.

Why worry about HP? Well, I’d like to step into PVP on later levels, and lots of people recommend only rising CON and wearing plate armor. If possible, I’d like to stick to cloth.

What do you think?

Just gonna list the pros and cons of each side (i’m still new to the game but that’s the infos i have gathered so far) :

INT -> Transpose -> CON

(+)You get the 10% INT per class rank bonus, which means quite a lot of DPS
(+)If you have a dedicated healer, it should be fine using Transpose being a full INT wizard.
(+)Easy leveling

(–)INT builds tend to be weaker in PVP
(–)You will have to heal yourself a lot everytime Transpose buff goes off
(–)If you go full INT and transpose to full CON having too many buffs, Transpose might vanish and be replaced by other buffs due to the Buff limit

CON -> Transpose -> INT :

(+)CON seems mandatory in PVP
(+)CON allows you to to use Transpose when you are under 50% HP to get some “emergency DPS”
(+)Transpose doesn’t fill your HP bar and refreshing the buff even resets your HP back to (let’s say) 50% even if you healed up to 100% instead of letting it at 100% which makes full CON build better.

(–)Hard leveling time until you can Transpose
(–)You don’t get the 10% INT bonus per rank when using Transpose

Side note : imo you should ditch Thaum3 and get Warlock instead. It seems you’ve chosen Pyro3 which means you seem to like the gameplay of it. Warlock is somehow a Pyromancer V2.0 (Pole of agony = Fire Pillar ; Invocation = Fireball) but adds so much more DPS to the table compared to Thaum3. If we’re talking about support, Thaum3 only gives you a flat 145 m.atk increase… Not to mention that you need a lot of money (4M in the attribute or smth like that?) to make Swell Brain efficient.

I also considered this build, here are my additional thoughts about this:

Thaum3 is one of the the best classes, however, the big disadvantage
is the buff limit, so you really need to partner up with a Krivis
with Daino to increase buff count limit. This class is an
offensive support class, and not going Thaum3 is a waste because
you are not capable of maximizing all your swell buffs.

Going full Int will give you the best conversion of invested stat points
due to +10% Int bonus per rank. If you use Transpose, you will be going
frontline (INT->CON).

Your Transpose will last 190 seconds if you learned maxed Swell Left/Right/Brain,
you will only have Lv.14 on Transpose and Lv.1 on Reversi.

The total buffs you will get from those 3 swell buffs (including maxed attributes):

Physical & Magic Attack: +304, if wearing dagger, additional: +260
total of: +564 magic & physical attack
if you are a magic class, add swell brain buff: +145
so that can end as: +709 magic attack.

Additional physical & magic defense if wearing shield: +271

In my opinion, it’s best to go Wiz3->Thaum3->Warlock, and get a permanent
Krivis partner so that their support buffs and your offensive buffs will
bring the best synergy possible. I also expect better skills coming from
Warlock2 in the future update.

It just appeared in the official known issues topic… so… :3

What do you mean?? I’m actually confused
So refreshing Transpose buff will make you stay at let’s stay 20k/20k HP instead of 10k/20k HP when this bug will be fixed ?

Edit : Nvm
"Transpose: Losing HP when using Thaumaturge’s skill ‘Transpose’ again while its effect from the previous casting is on."

This is a pretty awesome fix… It really changes everything. Now we can go full INT and just spam Transpose to refresh the buff without loosing HP… Too bad I made a full CON wizard. ORZ.

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if you go wiz3 then you’d have to use magic missiles forever, seems a boring class, but I think stronger cause of wiz 3, but pyro can do a lot of damage as well

Well…it will be… it is not an actual fix yet just “known issue” X) but yeah it will be awesome.

BTW just saying that full INT thaums with transpose and balance attribute will have more INT/CON that you could get without transpose.

The only problem will be the buff limit… X) But that won’t stop me to go for full INT.

“Known issue” means that they are working on it to make it work properly right ? If so that’s still good news ^^

Because of the 10% INT per rank I suppose, yeah that makes full INT build totally more appealing!!

Do you have any experience on how easy it is to reach the buff limits in party at higher level ? (lv 150 newbie here) Does it happen really often ?

If you’re a buffer, you should be bringing Daino scrolls to party play.
wiz3/thaum3 will have 4 party buffs and 3 self buffs, and a buff limit of 5-6.

I’d say it happens often, yeah.

I’m a Priest (my thaum will be my 2nd char)…so yeah…I’m not even higher level but I know it is easy to reach the buff limit.

@dmhamilt Well thaum is a buffer so you are kinda right…XD But I think you shouldn’t put all the responsibility on buffers. If you know for sure you would most likely need daino in parties…like thaums need it for transpose… then buy yourself scrolls to be sure.

Well, yes. Everyone should have a few of them.

I personally went ‘screw it’ and play a krivis.

It’s really easy, especially if you have players that buff everything they can without caring if it’s of any use.

Common Party Buffs:
Archers - Swift Step
Wizards - Reflect Shield
Thaumaturge - Swell Left Arm, Swell Right Arm, Swell Brain
Chronomancer - Quicken, Haste
Cleric - Divine Might
Krivis - Zalciai, Divine Stigma
Priests - Sacrament, Monstrance, Blessing, Revive, Stone Skin, Aspersion
Chaplain - Last Rites
Oracle - Arcane Energy, Prophecy

Not every buff is equally useful.
I may have forgotten some :slight_smile:

Without Linker C2 or Krivis it get’s full quite fast.

I was krivis-priest in icbts…Now I want to be a chaplain but…I rly can’t even live without Daino XD… I’m almost considering getting krivis first and then Chaplain but anyway after it I want at least 1 krivis.

Thank you Ayalon, dmhamilt, kroscyl !

Going full CON in order to not use Transpose might be a good idea in the end even if Transpose get fixed ^^