Tree of Savior Forum

Full fire Pyromancer focused build

Hello everybody! Trying to make (like the title says) a full fledged fire master type build. I plan on going pyro3-ele3 and wiz3

For the pyro skills… This recent update has me so confused. I feel like I’m not using fire wall all that often, so I’m considering skipping getting it at all. But what is everybody’s thoughts so far about pyromancer skills and how they work together? What has worked best for everybody? Your thoughts would be much appreciated. Thank you!

I usually use Fire Wall against bosses. The nice thing about Fire Wall is that each segment does the full 300x5 damage. Planting a wall underneath the boss usually means several segments hit it and do the full 5x damage each. Given that bosses tend to be pretty big and that the wall has three overheats, that’s quite a lot of damage in a short amount of time.

For normal mobs I just spam Flame Ground, FIreball and Flare. If you have PKino, PsyPress as needed.

The dmg of kino+fireball is based on pp or fireball? wich lvl of pp and fireball should be the best to use?

the explosions that come out of fireball when you pp the fireball scales with the damage/level of fireball.


I’ve been working on pyro skills n combos for a while since I’ve wanted my fire mage since beta. As this is our 3rd rework since then, I decided to give it a go again.

Pyro2 by itself is enough for 1 solid cycle. Take kino1 and you have a 0 down time cycle of fireball x4 - flare x3 - fire pillar - fireball + psychic pressure. You can take kino up another rank for heavy gravity for the “ground combo” of flame ground + heavy gravity + flare x3.

You can go pyro3 but hell breath just screws up the skill cycle for some really un-impressive damage. Pyro3 is more to beef up the skills you do use (like fireball 15, flare 15, and fire pillar 10).

I’ve just tried wiz2-pyro2-kino2-thauma3 today and it’s ok.

Going wiz3 ele3 is basically an ele build that has pyro in it. You take wiz3 for quick cast and therefor for ele. The meteor + flame ground combo is nice but that only works for ground and even though it is 5 hits, it is effectively a x2.5 modifier on meteor.

If instead you stay at ele1, you get prominence and the explosion attribute for only 1 rank vs 3 ranks for 2 skills an 1 attribute (another attribute if you cant the extra prominence spawns).

Other interesting combos to try out.

  • sage can still dupe fireballs but with the 8sec cd, it’s pointless.
  • alche used sto combustion fireballs (right?) so that could still be a thing
  • snow rolling used to carry fireballs but its not really an issue now since fireballs are ground target

Makes me wonder what could have been done with Pyro2Cryo3 with the old Fireball.

I’m currently building a PyroChemist (Still at Rank 4 though :no_mouth:). If the Fireball for Combustion is a thing then Pyro might become standard for Alchemist builds. Have you tested with the new Fireball?

For me, I found an amazing combination in Pyro and Kino, and I am using it with my sage. If you wanna check, this is me trying the combos that I theorycrafted. First one is at lv300 Dungeon, and second one is at lv 340 Hunting Ground. Nothing crazy, but it is a very good combination for mob control and damage.

Still unsure about Raise, but couldn’t think of anything better to replace Kino c3.

Loving your build man, really simple and practical…

if I have an hour or 2 of good luck I might be able able to play again and I have a Wiz1-Pyro-3-Chrono> with Warlock3 as goal…

any burning suggestions for me?_?

Very nice. I’ll try testing out Sage while the reset event is up but just to ask: if you’ve played Shadowmancer, which do you prefer? Sage or Shadowmancer? That UD looks very enticing. It’s certainly looks better than either Conjuration or Condensation for AoE.

@DrRM What sort of Wizard do you prefer? If Dealer, you certainly can’t go wrong with W1Pyr2PkN3Ele3 if you want to try them psychic shenannigans. For Support, you can go W1Pyr2Thau3Chrono3 although you’ll have a lot of competition for party slots since Thau is pretty popular (at least in Tels, it seems)

Also, how tf do I quote your name? the comment interface recognizes the two underscores in your name as italics


am the kind of person that does one rank per character and already got kino on another…

also am a role-player so I was going more for pilar of fire and darkness with the ground circles, but they changed flame ground and mastema or whatever is called and they are super quick D: no cool factor at all…

Chrono as filler for fast movement and stuff, but now it will be expensive and trolling afk players with stop won’t be as cool :frowning:

haven’t tried thauma and that was a close second between it and chrono… (funny I remember when thauma was rare :blush: )

I want fire skills I can create a huge bonfire with and make it look cool xD

PD you cant @ me anymore since am off the grid xD

even been back isn’t enough for my summoning :smile: and I love it

Ooh. Same here. I try to keep from repeating circles unless absolutely necessary.

There’s this interesting build I’ve been meaning to try but I’m not quite sure how to “play” it. It relies on having a stat reset but since I’m happy with my current Shadowmancer I am hesitant to switch him around. Here’s the build:

And yes, I’m serious about using Pyroego as a summon. It just seemed fitting that a Wizard whose powers emanate from a Grimoire should summon a creature bound to a book. Not to mention a Flame-based demon for a Flame-and-Shadow Sorcerer.

It’s got all the nice DPS circles any respectable dealer would possess but it need SPR for the Sorcerer bit. I’d start levelling as an INT build then stat reset once I have a decent weapon to a SPR build. Consider if it tickles your fancy

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Thauma buffs cost 400silver intotal every 300 sec (tops). It also has the “cool factor” of having huge hands when snapping your fingers to deal damage via flare.

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I feel like is I go thauma I will be spamming the head one just for the cute factor :relieved: am hopeless I know…

I also love the finger thingy, it warms my heart even when cryo does it :hugs:

@Sablecoat Sorcerer was my first build :smiley: I loved it so much, specially the sexy S&M costume :3

then I tried necro…

is funny my dream when I first saw this game was “am going to be a great alchemist :3” and guess what class I have never got to play with :pensive:

I might change one of my wiz to an alchemist if I still can :slight_smile:

2 options

pyro3 kino3 sage2 use pyro to mob… kino for control, pyro for dmg sage for duplicate + dmg

pyro3 thaum2 alch3 or pyro2 thaum3
which ever you prefer…

you can let your homonoculus learn pyro skills

Apparently the reset event is still on. My experience is pyro3 is a luxury. You don’t need it but it’s nice if you have it. I would say wz2-pyro2-kino1 for the basic combos:

  • fireballx4 into flare
  • fireball into pp
  • firepillar
    This sequence has little to no downtime.

Add in kino2 for:

  • flame ground into heavy gravity into EQ or flare
  • firepillar into magnetic force

On the other hand, if you want to use alche in combat, I tried the dream eater build and it works for alche missile.

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I don’t have any experience with Warlock… but for Pyro I would say Fire Pillar is a must, Hell Breath is worth the pick now, and Flame Ground is really nice damage also. Other skills is really up to you…

Enchant Fire is nice, choose whatever level you want of it
I personally dislike Fireball even as a filler damage
Firewall is also nice, It is just not practical to use IMO.
I don’t have an opinion on Flare… nice to use, but I prefer other skills.

I should say keep things simple with Pyro. It got a nice boost, but your heavy hitters will be Warlock skills, for sure. Pyro should help you with DoT damage, a little bit of control and should be combined with other skills. At least, this is always what I have in mind: combinations to boost up things.

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Never played Shadowmancer… I’m always running away from classes that have quests to unlock or anything related haha

But I see Shadowmancer as a Single Target class, this way of doing damage is where it shines for me. Maybe that’s why Linker seems to always be a pick for those who run Shadowmancer.

Too bad. In any case, all you need to wait for now is R10 then you’ll be able to unlock the class for free (assuming we last that long).

Yes, I would agree with this. Shadowmancer is best at single target but has some pretty neat tricks up its sleeve. I was hoping I could ask someone’s opinion on their preferences.

Intending to go for Wiz1>Pyro3>Thau3>Onmyoji2 for my sub char when Onmyoji comes out. But I can foresee myself using pyro skills less since Onmyoji2 have make skills with 2-3 overheats and 20-35 cd