Tree of Savior Forum

Full Chronomancer Support

Looking for some input on what i should take before going C3 Chronomancer, my goal is being a PvE Endgame support.

I was told taking cyro 3 was popular but it doesn’t seem that useful outside of dungeons where mobs are closely packed together.

I was thinking maybe Pyro, Linker, Pyro. Or Pyro, Linker, Linker.

Any input/advice/tips would be appreciated

If you’re aiming your build for the endgame, cryo is more usefull than pyro.
Pyro is for damage and 1 circle won’t give you much damage endgame.
On the contrary cryo CC stay relevant endgame.

Now you have several options :

  • Cryo C3 : CC, Tree, Snowrolling goes well with the CD reset of Chorno C3
  • Cryo C1 / Linker C2 : CC, Links and buff sharing (if you play with people with buffs worth sharing)
  • Cryo C1 / Linker C1 / Thaum C1 : CC, Links, Buffs (swell left arm, shrink body)

If you really want to take pyro, take at least 2 circles.

  • Pyro C2 / Linker C1 : more damage on fireball, firepillar (CC)

Cryo 3-chrono 3 is good at both pve supporting and PVP harrassing. Though I don’t recommend cryo3-chrono3 if you’re leveling alone…

Pyro-linker-chrono3 is definitely easier to level up, but it won’t be as good in pvp, I think it’ll still be good for end game parties since most of the time the party only wants your haste/pass anyway.

I thought pyro would be useful for enchant fire QwQ. I really like linker because being able to link mobs seems extremely useful for both Open field / Dungeons. Torn between C3 Cyro and C1 Cyro C2 Linker now ;o;

P.S I have 0 interest in PvP

Do you have a dedicated party?
If yes you should try to take what will give them the most benefits.
If you don’t, be warned that full support build are really hard to raise solo…

I am personally playing Cryo3-Chrono3 and loving it endgame.

Pyro/Cryo1-Linker2-Chrono3 or Pyro-Linker-Traum-Chrono3 are also viable and quite common, I don’t really like the last one, but that’s my personal preference I guess.

In any case, leveling a support character solo will be a pain. If you already have someone to level / play with, you can also choose the build that benefits him / them the most.

C3 Cryo is useful even outside dungeons it grabs mobs really well with frost pillar when grinding. And it has a pretty large range and can grab more mobs than linker.

I have a Wiz>Pyro>Linker>Pyro>Chrono so far (level 160), going for Chrono 3.

So far i’m loving it. The combination of joing penalty>hangmans knot>timestop, fire pillar and flame ground is extremely nice for clearing tons of mobs.
Using timestop and fireballs is also extremely fun, you can put all kinds of stuff (like fireballs) on top of timestopped enemies and joyfully watch the fireworks start the moment timestop is over.
Double fireball 10 deals tons of damage, especially when combined with Enchant fire 5 and Arde Dagger.
Up to level 160 I had no issues at all with doing quest bosses and killing mobs on any map that i have been so far.

Once i’ll get to Chrono 3 and get Pass 5 it will probably become even better, being able to do double flame ground and double fireball10x2, due to pass being able to completely reset fireball/flame grounds cooldowns.
I’ll try doing combos like joing penalty->hangmans knot->fire pillar->flame ground->fire ball->fire ball->pass->flame ground->fireball->fire ball

There are only two issues that i’ve encountered so far:

  1. Other people are able to push your fireballs around. Can be annoying when in a party with players who autoattack.
  2. There are very, very few mobs who don’t get damaged by fire magic, but get healed by it. So far i’ve only encountered two (the big yellow blobs in mage tower and one kind of mob in demon prison), but if you have others in your party this will be no problem. But all bosses i’ve encoutnered so far were always killable with fire magic, even if they were fire element themselves.

When i had to choose between Linker 2 and Pyro 2 i chose Pyro 2, because Linker 2 is kinda “meh”:
-While Physical link 1~5 isn’t really that great (because damage-split-in-party sounds nice it also damages everyones armor in the party if a hit is divided between all party members) physical link 6~15 is plain useless because you can’t have more than 5 people in your party.
-Hangmans knot 5->10 is only 1 second longerroot. Not worth it.
-Spiritual Chain got nerfed and does not transfer all buffs anymore, many of the interesting buffs got changed so they don’t get shared with the party, even if Spiritual Chain is active
-While Joint Penalty 5->10 offers 3 more targets (JP 5 : 5 targets, JP 10 : 8 targets) you can diminish that advantage by using Joint Penalty 5 + the monster gem that increases Joint Penalty by 1 level, resulting in 6 targets.

while for Pyro 2 i got:
-fire pillar (which is a mass root + damage AND deals damage even on timestopped enemies)
-more flame ground duration
-more flame ground damage (also deals damage on timestopped enemies)
-double the amount of fireball hits
-more fireball damage

so the choice was pretty obvious for me.

I don’t recommend Cryo C1 for a Chronomancer C3 build, considering a Cryo C1 / Linker C2 / Chrono C3. Or you go for Cryo C3/Chrono C3 or nothing, because with only Cryo C1 leveling up solo will be hard as ■■■■!

I went Pyro C1 / Linker C2 / Chrono C3 and at lvl 175 everything’s just fine soloing. Pyro is better than Cryo for solo, and Cryo C1 I think is not that great at CC in end game. I made a Cryo / Psychokino too, and Cryo C1 is not good even on low lvl dungeons.

Pyro C2 / Linker C1 / Chrono C3 seem to me very good too, like Stefan did.

Considering PVP, obviusly Cryo C1 is better than Pyro C1.

Thanks for all the input, don’t worry about solo. I got Masochist Cider.

Also could you share builds for Cyro 3 Chrono 3 & Pyro 2 Linker 1 Chrono 3 so i can compare, plus i don’t know what skills to take for Pyro/Cyro ;3;

Pyro works very well with chrono so long as you take pyro2 or pyro3. Only one rank of pyro is very underwhelming, mostly because you need a high hit count on fireball in order for pyro to endure later content. Also you can accomplish so much more by taking only one rank of linker.

Linker2 doesn’t offer enough to justify spending an entire rank anymore, in my opinion. They should’ve added an attribute for linker2 to reduce the cd on joint penalty (or increase the duration of hangman) by a few seconds to make it more worthwhile.

My final build will probably look like that:

-Energy Bolt 3 : You won’t need it as much at higher levels, so 3 is enough
-Lethargy 1 : Just get it at level 1 for the debuff effect from the attribute. Duration is the same no matter what skill level, so 1 is enough
-Sleep 5 : long CC duration is always nice
-Reflect Shield 5 : While the damage and damage reduction is not impressive, i’m taking this so for 4 hits my character won’t flinch/stop movement when being hit, which can be quite nice
-Earthquake 1 : Only level 1, as emergency-CC skill. Keep in mind that enemies hit by Earthquake have a high chance of canceling Linkers Joint Penalty effect.

-Fireball 10 : alot of damage, many hits
-Enchant fire 5 : With this you can keep it up almost 100% of the time. The damage boost, while small, is still noticeable. This will increase the damage of all attacks you do, including fireballs and flameground
-Flame Ground 10 : with this skill level you can keep it up 100% of the time and deal good damage with it
-Fire Pillar 5 : Very useful skill to lock enemies in place and deal quite high damage.

Linker 1:
-Joint Penalty 5 : main reason to take linker, so max it.
-Hangmans knot 5 : to get a decent root duration max it
-Physical link 4 : Not really a great skill, but if you ever need it for some situation level 4 should be enough. There is no other option to place points in anyway
-Unbind 1 : If you ever want to cancel Physical Link, getting level 1 in this skill is useful.

Chrono 3:
-Quicken 15 : great for any class that can benefit from attack speed and crit, so max that!
-Haste 15 : Amazing movement speed (+15 movement speed at level 15) and +100 evasion from the attribute, everyone will love you for it, max it!
-Reincarnate 1 : useful for making mobs that you need for quests to respawn instantly, so less running around needed. I still not managed to make it work on bosses (50+ attempts) while others claim it should work and i’m just unlucky or having a bad positioning. If it lands on bosses, its well worth the 1 skill point, because it’d mean double loot.
-Backmasking 1 : just level 1 as emergency skill (to move monsters back and i think it can revive people in the area) and as a funny troll skill against friends (video : )
-Pass 5 : Must-have-skill! -25 seconds on all cooldowns for you and your party members? Yes please! This will completely reset your fireball and flame ground cooldowns. People will love you for getting this skill!
-Stop 4 : level 4 is a comfortable duration for me to set up a fire pillar->flame ground->fireball->fireball combo, less than that seems a bit short to me
-Slow 9 : level 9 seems decent. Not much to comment here, just put the rest of the points that you don’t put in stop here.

I’m still a bit undecided how much Stop and how much Slow i’ll get. Currently i’m loving and using Stop alot more than Slow, but you should also consider that too long Stop can also be annoying since timestopped enemies can only be harmed by ground-area attacks (flame ground, fire pillar, pole of agony, etc. full document of which skills work on timestopped enemies is here : ) so party members might complain that they can’t do anything to the enemies, in which case a lower level Stop (only 7~9 seconds) is good to provide a bit of timestop while not being too long. On the other hand, a long Stop (15~20 seconds) can also be a life-saver since it can give your party a long time to revive dead party members and heal them and set up damage combos. It’s a difficult thing to balance. Personally, i would not touch the skill points spend in other skills, just find a good skill point distribution between Stop and Slow that you are comfortable with.

Also, keep in mind that some attributes, while you should get them, can have negative side effects.
I’m talking especially about Stops “also works on bosses”-attribute. Keep in mind while you have Stops “also works against bosses”-attribute active it has a 40~50 second longer cooldown! So while not fighting bosses you should deactivate that attribute.

I actually think that for PvE supportive purposes you’d actually want Pyro 1 > Linker 2. Few points:

  • Enchant Fire gets better if you hit faster due to quicken as your auto attacks as a support chrono 3 have to be used as a chrono 3.

  • Flameground has very low CD, you can have 2 Flamegrounds up sometimes for bosses or something, plus fireballs, might be helpful but I really doubt anyone tested this out. Also flameground is one of the few spells that work on Stop.

  • Cryo 1 provides you Ice Bolt (currently the att doesn’t work for PvP, won’t hit many mobs unless you have high AoE attack ratio and ratio raducers for mobs), Ice Pike (only good skill, has actualy some real CC but it’s not easy to land and doesn’t freeze as much as Bolt which has lower range) and Ice Wall which is a meh skill alone.

Pyro2 > linker1 > Chron3
Cryo1>link1>thau1 >Chron3

My suggestion is pyro2 can do auto attack better with Pjoint.

Actually pretty reliable against bosses once you get all the casts set up. Unlike other deployment spells you can reposition fireballs and sp management only became an issue when another chrono3 was around.