Tree of Savior Forum

From when will Diev overcome Priest in party play?

Main discussion topic: from what level range will you prefer a Diev over a Priest in a party?

I’m so tempted to create a second cleric sometime soon with all the Diev talk, but right now I’m still lv100 Priest so I’m not ready to use up time on a second char yet.

So right now I feel that Priest3 is amazing, and I can easily protect a party alone in the lv90 dungeon without dying. In fact, most of the Cleric2+ looks like they don’t know what the heck are they doing. Had a few dead people because I left the healing job to them and they don’t even cast their heal tiles.

I’ll never regret going to Priest3, plus who knows how long will I play this game to experience r6/r7.

But unlike Dievs who seem to be able to scale better on both utility and attack, Priest seems to fall short later on if they don’t go Chaplain.

Is Priest substitutable by Diev or Priest are always irreplacable?
(I’m mainly comparing Priest3/Monk vs Cleric2/Diev2/Monk but tried to generalize it)

Well, Stone skin, Revive and Resurrect are irreplacable. And higher level monsters tend to do alot more damage so additional instant Mass Heal isnt bad either.

Comparing Priest and Diev is like comparing apples with oranges imo - they are different kinds of support.

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You have ausrine for invulnerabilty and world tree for silence , so yes, it’s kind of replaceable.

Free resurrection from free TP to buy revive stones kind of replace resurrection and revive (except for PVP).

But if he’s going Diev 2, then there’s no Ausrine, so it really depends if you’re going Monk

Ausrine… It doens’t work now, no? Even if I stay a second on each circle it still doesn’t give me buff

It works, and it’s somewhat reliant on ping

I just tested it, I tryed to stand 1-2 seconds on it, I run a circles about it, like 5-6 and after 20 second it worked, but i don’t think it suppose to work on that way

I want to say that Diev3 only gets one additional skill from Diev2, although I know the Carves scales well, though this is more of DPS support than utility support (still makes a difference though)

Would Priest3 vs Cleric2/Diev2, as @nizidr said, be apples vs oranges late game then?

But this late game - when are we talking about? Lv100, lv200, lv250+?
For ‘filthy casuals’ like me lv200 might take months :frowning: So that might be less of a concern for me in that range :stuck_out_tongue:

I don’t quite understand what you’re trying to say. Are you only talking about Diev C2 to C3?

If OP is going monk, and only getting Diev C2, its up for a toss. Priest is always replaceable though.

I think the mentality that priest is irreplaceable partially lies in the fault with people thinking this is RO. It’s not. The buffs don’t scale well end game like it did in RO.

Most things are scrolled from priests, and resurrection stones from free TP take care of dying. Stone skin can be somewhat replaced by Ausrine and silence tree.
Priests just don’t scale well end game. Blessing not only is scrollable, but 120-170 (along with sacrament or whatever) is just not that much compared to what Diev can bring

I haven’t played TOO much as I’ve been busy with school and stuff, but I’ve reached 1xx without much grinding as dungeoning and questing give tons of exp. At I would say 130+, that’s when you really see Diev shining over priest.

[quote=“BlackGhost, post:8, topic:190806, full:true”]

I don’t quite understand what you’re trying to say. Are you only talking about Diev C2 to C3?[/quote]Ah I was just mentioning that from a support standpoint, Carve is a good reason for Diev3 but from a DPS support rather than utility support

I’m already a Priest3 and waiting till I can turn into a Monk (and more solo life @.@) so I was just concerned how useless Priest3 is late game, and how less useful they are over Dievs.

Although tbh I’m already seeing lack of healers wanted in lv90 dungeon and lv100 mission dungeons, people just keep calling for DPS, so one way to look at it, right now being a Diev/Priest doesn’t make a difference because they just don’t care much about you.

From what I can infer from what you said - I guess I’ll be less useful and less wanted in parties in 30 levels or so than Dievs :s

I see, but I mainly went Diev 3 for a better OWLS OF MASS DESTRUCTION and better support with Ausrine. Carve is definitely nice though.

I feel that if people start noticing how Priest stuff don’t scale as well in late game, devs will give tha class a change (like maybe scaling blessing with SPR or character level or something)

With long boss fights (somewhat medium duration for missions) and proper positioning, Diev is a top contender for top DPS due to owl damage consistency

Hmm sounds like things aren’t as plain as paper then.
Back to ‘all good as long as I like what I play’ mindset then :smiley:

Yeah definitely. If you liked playing as priest in RO or in other game, ToS gives a new spin on how priest is played which can be fun to people

That’s because you do it too fast. Latency makes it so you have to do two circles or do it slowly as the squares are being formed.

What’s wrong with me?
And my ping always around 170-200

You have to move counter clockwise, aka circle around it in the other direction.

And standing in the circles for a second or so seems to make it work better.

Move clocl counterwise and you have to step on 4 circles

ah ty, thanks guys
20 charrs

Also with Ausrine, you have to hit pretty close to the center of the circle; you can’t just touch it partially and expect it to count.