Tree of Savior Forum

From sorcerer to necro or warlock or FF

Hi im lv 180 wiz>pyro2>linker>sorc2
Now im confuse to choose next rank
Should I go necro for shoggoth TS combo?
Or choose wl/ff for dps? Tq for advice
My current stat 70con rest Int
Weapon ignition and arde

I think your best option is going lock or wait for the rank 8 class and see what’s the next best option. Necro doesn’t bring that much to the table, and besides that it’s a rank 6 class. It’s not viable to use FF with sorc either, i know a lot of people say it’s good but it’s not, i’m a FF player and i can confirm it’s trash, your sp will drain in seconds if you don’t have a really good amount of sp and sp recovery.

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Just because you have not tried it does not mean it is not good.

Please see the thread for a detailed about featherfoot.

I have built mine sorc 2 -> ff and I know it is good. Sp isn’t really a problem Lv10 condensed potion exists for a reason and it’s not as if that you always fully channel blood sucking nor use it every time. I also have gameplay videos if you are interested. I also have documented my SP recovery there. :joy:

For your current build I’d suggest warlock since you did not take wiz2 for sure spell. To be honest, featherfoot is a class which needs the right starting circles to be effective. In your case, blood sucking will not be as efficient compared to a build which took wiz 2 for sure spell. You can still make it work by locking mobs down in fire pillar but the downside is the high cooldown of the combo JP - HK - fire pillar - blood sucking.

Necro as rank 7 is generally weaker as to what featherfoot and warlock can offer. If you are taking necro, you should be looking at flesh cannon and flesh hoop as your main skills not shoggoth. Shoggth is quite unreliable.

There is a sorc 2 -> warlock thread in this forum as well. Check that out if you wanted to see how sorc and warlock works together.

It’s trash.



You can just compare to any other FF combination, sorc is the worse class in the mage tree for late game, put that together with FF with 2 ranks wasted and you have a trash combination. It will work? Yes, to some degree, but it’s not even useful.

What are you even talking about? lol
Which combinations are you even referring to?

Sorc & FF is still good, but don’t use summon, instead max your salamion for tanking.

Anyway instead sorc 2, i think its better sorc 1 > necro 1 > FF 1, because with that build you can maximize decay potential, and you can tanking.

I can soloing Alemeth Forest without taking any damage at all with this kind of build. I just need to sit to recover my SP. Anyway I don’t use summon, because Salamion is good enough.

Thank you guys for fast reply
I think I’ll choose warlock or sorc c3… warlock combination with ignition… sorc c3 for maximize sorc damage
I’m not that rich to buy pot and corpse at the same time (if choose necro) and you guys tell me necro’s damage not so good
And for FF I like the gameplay but im not wiz c3 so better choose warlock (still regret pick pyro c2 not others classes)
Sorry for my bad grammar :frowning: