Tree of Savior Forum

From Linker to Wiz 3? or Elementalist?

Im more of a solo player and monsters are getting harder to kill for me due to lack of dps so…

I am currently a lvl 60 linker on rank 3 and i was wondering if i should move to Wiz 3 for better dps?? Or just move to Elementalist?

I was thinking about going from Linker>Wiz 3>Ele 2>???

If not I was thinking from Linker>Ele 3>???

Any help or suggestions would be great. Thanks.

Wiz c3 won’t give you better dps on it’s own, it’s for buffing other mage circles with heavy hitting skills like Ele c3. Linker is a support for single target classes like archers, some swordsmen and summoners.

so since im a linker, is going into elementalist class more benificial than Wiz 3? Because ive heard that magic missle is the way to go for the most part.

Did you went Wiz c2? In that case you can go Wiz c3 > Ele c3. Won’t be as optimal as Wiz c3>Ele c3>Warlock, but it will be close enough.

yes i went from wiz > wiz 2 > Linker.

take wiz 3 asap. magic missile alone will make your levelling a whole lot better. its too late to take wiz 3 before linker 1, but take it before linker 2 if thats what you inteded to take next. taking necro after wizard 3 linker 2 is nice, or just wizard 3, linker 1, sorcerer 2 and warlock, or wiz 3 linker 1 ele 3, still viable

wizard 3 is pretty important before ele, because of quick cast, you’ll reduce the cast time and have a 50% damage upgrade from the attribute.

okay thanks for the advice im going to go wiz 3. Was looking also into ele 3 for CC and stronger damage