Tree of Savior Forum

Frenzy should be changed - Barbarian

I think frenzy is a very boring, underused and just a bad skill, because it’s just plain unreliable 90% of the time, why consume all the time to hit the same enemy 10 times (excluding the attributes) when you can be more efficient, effective and deal more damage using normal skills?

I think Frenzy should literally be a “Frenzy” skill, rather than increasing the boring damage buff, it should either be an instant attack speed buff or instant damage buff, having to hit the enemy 10 times is just too much of a hassle to bother.

Please buff this, I honestly think its a terrible skill. I was hoping for something similar to the Lord Knight in RO days.

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I’m currently playing Barb c2, and i partially agree with this.

I don’t think the skill is all that bad, but losing ALL the damage when you switch targets is just too unreliable. If changing targets wouldn’t make you loose all the stacks, it would be a much more solid skill. this unstable damage buff it’s just not worth it.

And maybe reducing the number of stacks needed?

I mean, lv 10 frenzy you need to stack up 20 stacks. it takes too much time. the damage buff is good, 400 bonus damage with 20 stacks and all but 20 hits to stack, just to lose it (or cut it to half with the upgrade) on the next mob? No. Just no.

I agree, the attribute cuts it in half though but I still think that’s unreliable because when you’re hitting mobs of 4-5 you’re still gonna lose the Frenzy Stack

Frezy should be lost only after a couple seconds without hitting anything.

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