Tree of Savior Forum

Freezin Enchanter Build Advice

This is the setup, mainly to freeze as many enemies and shock them into obscurity.

Ice wall/PP combo as usual…
Hail with freeze attribute maxed…
Eletrocute and Enchant Lightning/Lightning hands to further decimate frozen enemies…
Magnetic force to gather enemies for freezing with Hail, frost bolt, ice pike to freeze, with Enchant lightning attributes to enhance PP and Gravity pole.

aside from tips on how to deal with bosses? Will this be any sort of endgame viable?


Nice build ! A few tips on what I tried (I have an Ele and a CryoKino3) :

  • Magic Shield for an INT tend to deplete your SP and not even protect you that much :confused:
  • Lethargy is mostly take for the attributes, and it comes only with Wiz2 and 3, but if you think you’re gonna use it, take it :slight_smile:
  • Energy Bolt is really meh : you can level up to Elementalist only with AA, and then, it has no more damage :confused:
  • I try Freezing Sphere and the skill is disappointing (low damage, no multi-hit and no freeze), so I would advise you to put the point in Storm Dust who has really nice damage
  • Hail has a big aoe, so you don’t need to gather the enemies for it (but you can Magnetic Force + Ice Pike to froze them and cast Hail without interruption, that also works with PP and Electrocute)
  • Raise is really useful as a CC, and I would advise at least one point, it can be useful for example to setup Ice Wall (without Surespell, it’s really frustrating to interrupted)
  • Not sure of this one, but if you use Enchant Lightning, it changes PP and GP to Lightning instead of Psycho, which means it doesn’t work with Stone Curse anymore ?
    That’s a few things I can think about, but feel free to do what you want, that’s your build :smile:

For bosses, you have one big combo, Ice Wall + PP (you can use GP if I remember well, it just doesn’t work as well), but if you’re alone, you will be interrupted a lot before Kino3 :confused: Hail and Storm Dust provides good damage on an immobile boss, Heavy Gravity and Electrocute (especially if there is traps) a bit too, and you can then use your Lightning AA to complete your damage :smile:

I’m not sure for endgame viable, I’m not really experimented in that for now, but it seems you can do nearly everything with a godly weapon :stuck_out_tongue:

Ice wall + Enchanter Attributed PP still counts as missile attacks yes?

I still dunno if I need Enchanter or just Cryo 3 cant decide which would be better, Kino 3 and enchanter is still a must but im just not sure which cry1/elem2 or cryo 3 will get me more frozen targets?

No idea on this one, someone must have more information :confused:

Cryo3 clearly win ! I have an Ele3, Hail frozen attribute max, and it’s pretty rare to me to see frozen targets (but Hail often one-shot mobs, which is pretty cool too).
Ele2 will bring you way more damage, while Cryo3 bring you more CC, so that depends on you.
On my Cryo1Kino3, I find Ice Pike enough to freeze targets, I don’t really need more spells, but Cryo3 also bring a higher level Ice Wall, so a stronger combo.

GP doesnt not work on ice wall to create shards.

ice wall level 5 will fizzle out really fast, you might want audra staff and gem to increase ice wall hits.

I dont really think this build is that endgame viable, i think it is a bit underwhelming,

psychokinesis has no interaction with stone curse, its fire damage.

Did I mention that GP interacted with icewall somewhere? I know it doesn’t that wasn’t the build’s concept it was the enchanted GP that would damage frozen targets…

Also stone cursed mobs take additional damage from pyschokinetic and fire or the tooltip is wrong