Tree of Savior Forum

FPS get decreased as more as the time I play the game

I’ve already have a good FPS after do some tips on the internet and finally got smooth fps, 40ms is my best. But what is weird for me is my FPS get decreased the more time I play the game. Example when I first start the game after my PC freshly start, the FPS is 25-40ms, and after some minutes it decreased and go to 15-25ms. And stop decreasing when its get about 1-25ms.

So is there something I can do about this?, if I restart the game the FPS would not be the same as the first time I start the game.

Also what is weird was… even though I have 30-40ms FPS, my loading screen still take about 1 minute to load.

overheating / something like this

it’s ur computer

It happens to me too. After like 2 hours of gameplay my game starts to lag more and more. I restart my game and the Framerate “Refreshes” for some reason, getting Smoother.

IMC quality control aproved~



hmm never though of that, need to check it though,

Do not worry, the game is meant to be run with low fps. Cause there is no other valid explanation for the use of potato servers by IMC.
