Tree of Savior Forum

FPS drops to 8~12

Please fill in as much as you can :

Date and Time(Please, specify the timezone) : Around from the last maintenance on 26.07.2016 till now.

Server Name: Fedimian

Team Name: Fauchelevant

Character Name: Marjorie, Perrine, probably others, too (I didn’t test each, though)

Bug Description :
I believe, the bug first appeared sometime after maintenance week ago. I’ve experienced huge fps drop down to ~8. I’ve closed the game, tried to reinstall graphics driver, and the game worked ok after that.
But the bug actually persisted.
FPS rate is almost irrelevant to graphics settings. I usually can get my normal 30-40fps after closing the game and resetting steam completely, but it usually goes back down to 8~12fps right after the next change of location, making the game almost unplayable.

Steps to reproduce the issue :

  1. Start the game,
  2. Change the location.

Screenshots / Video :
Screenshots taken on different characters, just to illustrate the issue. Graphics are on min for the first screen and on max for the second.
FPS dropped:

FPS normal:

Game Control Mode (Keyboard/Joypad/Mouse) : Keyboard


  • CPU : i7-3610QM-2.3Ghz
  • RAM : 8Gb
  • Graphics Card : GT 630M
  • Mainboard :
  • Storage :
  • OS : Win10
  • Internet Connection :
  • Country, Region : Russia, EU

The game has a shtty FPS and optimization from the start so i am not even surprised anymore. Although i also experienced a FPS drop from the last patch (event) too

binsgaming1, it’s the fact that I can get decent fps under the same conditions after relogging steam, and fps usualy drops back on changing the location, so it has to be some kind of unstable bug.

for now try to change this part of the user.xml (don´t cTRLC~CtrlV just change stuff) to this and see if it´s better:

<Config UseWater="1" UseFastLoading="0" UseEnvEffect="0" UseEnvSound="1" CaptureFormat="1" ChatEditVisible="0" MouseSensitivity="1.00" UseCharLod="0" UseEffectHigh="0" DevGamma="10" ResizeLevelOfTextures="0" DrawActorPersent="30" DrawMonsterPersent="50" InverseCameraHor="0" InverseCameraVert="0" InverseCameraZoom="0" CameraZoomIndex="3" UseCameraRotation="0" MaxCameraLongitute="45" Language="English" UseGlow="1" UseFXAA="0" UseWarfog="0" UseDepth="0" UseBloom="0" UseSoftParticle="0" UseHighTexture="0" UseLowOption="1" AutoAdjustLowLevel="0" SklCtrlSpd="200"/> <Resolution mode="1" width="1920" height="1080" BitPerPixel="8" VSync="1"/>

The problem is somehow fixed for now after the last patch (and reinstalling steam and repairing client, so I don’t know which one helped) =.=

Just to clarify, tweaks like that (I’ve tried to use 16 bits settings once) helped to improve performance just a bit. Like 8 to 12 fps.

FPS gets worse in every maintenance

Hello Saviors! Kindly try to verify integrity of your game cache as a possible fix. Also, try tweaking your in-game Settings and turning off Vertical Sync. If the issue still persists, please let us know through Support.