Tree of Savior Forum

FPS Drop with Gung Ho

Hi everyone.
I contacted the support for help, 2 times, but it really did nothing so, the forums are my last hope, here’s my problem and what I sent to the support :

Game Server : [EU] Fedimian

**Team Name :

_**Character Name : _

_**Steam Account : _

input date : 2016-07-08

input hour : 20

Date/Time and Location : Everywhere, everytime

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Description : Everytime I use the skill Gung Ho from the swordman, my FPS goes to 45-50 from 80-100, and back to this number after the buff expires.

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Steps to reproduce the issue :

1) Use Gung Ho

2) Wait a moment

3) See the FPS drop

4) Buff expires and FPS are up normally

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Screenshots / Video : Before Gung Ho / With Gung Ho / After Gung Ho

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- CPU : Intel Core I5-4460 3.20 GHz

- RAM : 4 Go

- Graphics Card : NVIDIA GTX 745

- Mainboard :

- Storage :

- OS : Windows 10

- Internet Connection : Ethernet

- Country / Region (US-east/west) : France (can still talk english)

The person who “helped” me said that I have to lower my graphic settings, but I won’t waste such good graphics because of a skill. I’m everytime at 80 fps, sometimes at 100, but it isn’t normal that a skill makes me lose 40 fps, not normal at all and it isn’t coming from me.

Same problem here, I reroll for archer, my fps drop to 20 from 45 when I use gung ho or guardian from peltasta rank(the same skill graphic effect) the drop is progresive ,not instantly…

I also noticed that in “Low Mode”, the fps drop doesn’t apply, I was saying it doesn’t when you are not the one with the buff but it’s just because my girlfriend was in low mode and I thought so.

Maybe all that because when disabled, particles stacks for a more “shiny” effect and obviously fps are dropping, I don’t know…

This really needs to be fixed, but when I see gameplay related bugs, like bleed from Thrust not applying on the Restrain stun, still here after 1 year of report, I won’t hope for anything…

It’s okay to loose fps when there is a lot of monsters or animations, but not because 2 things are moving around you

do you fix the problem?

I found this addon "warmode"

it turn off all skills sffect with ALT+numpad0 and turn on with ALT+numpad1

so, you can turn off---->use gung ho-----> turn on

basically turn off effects when you go to activate gung ho and then turn on xD

the unique solution that i found… sorry for bad english

PD: don’t use camera zoom addon, i think its not legal to use

I verified that gunho background effect is the problem! not the 2 thing are moving around you!

Thanks, I’m gonna try the addon, I hope this will help, nothing will come from the devs apparently…

If you ever have a random freeze while gung ho is active youll notice for a second that it kind of stacks a purple lightning effect. the longer it is active the more and more it seems to stack of said fx. this seems the cause to me but its just a guess from someone who knows nothing of rendering or graphic engines.