Tree of Savior Forum

FPS Drop due to maximum carry weight

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Date and Time(Please, specify the timezone) :Sept 25, 2016

Server Name: Orsha

Team Name: TeamChespin

Character Name: Umbreon

Bug Description :

Inventory was full and I could not pick up any more loot surrounding me.
The system started spamming the “You’ve exceeded your maximum carry weight” message and my fps dropped to 2fps.

Steps to reproduce the issue :

  1. Have maximum weight on character.
  2. Be surrounded by loot drop
  3. System will spam message and fps will drop.

When I managed to walk out of the loot, the fps returned to normal, but when I walked close to it again, the fps dropped. It acts the same as a gold seller bot.

This cannot be part of the 7% optimization package. Please look into it.

Screenshots / Video :

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You got DDos’ed by the game itself

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literally, too heavy even for the game to run~

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Exactly. It was hilarious.
Worse than gold seller bot! It was IMC spam.

posted about this issue some time ago and got ignored…

Harr I knew I wasn’t the only one.
Let’s just see when the next post about this problem is because I got a feeling this report is gonna get shoveled under the Tree of GenericReply…

Put in as many recipes, cards, loot gear on your inventory, open up your inventory and try to play, game gets hella laggy lol.

This game optimization is a fvcking joke… but hey! We get many TP shop items to keep promoting this lack of service and effort from IMC. We should not get pissed at IMC, we should get pissed at the retarded people spending money on this broken game.

I have my own theory as to what’s causing this:

Even when your inventory is already full, the game keeps looping the following:

  1. Client tries to pick up the item and register it with server so the server can update that it’s in the inventory once successfully picked up (this seems noticeable when you’re able to go more than 100% weight limit when picking up a lot of stuff at once before you get overweight afterwards)
  2. Server says “no you can’t, your inventory is full”
  3. Repeat step 1 as long as the same item is within pickup range

Now, this is how I think it should go:

  1. Client tries to pick up the item and register it with server so the server can update that it’s in the inventory once successfully picked up
  2. Server tells client inventory is full and that he can no longer pick anything up until further notice
  3. Client agrees and ignores any item in pickup range until server tells him that there’s some freed space in his inventory (e.g. when user transfers stuff to storage, uses consumables with weight, etc.)

or atleast a simple rules “no to send same error message until X second”

who is their sane mind would code a error message line without putting a timelimit to it…

hakkyu kim obviously

who in their right mind will put a message display in a loop without a break anyway? I have a feeling the function is coded this way.

Character has X loot range which the client-sided program will constantly auto spam ‘loot item’ function to pick anything within.
while 'loot’
if item belongs to player A
if player A has enough inventory space,
send a packet to the server to add an item to player A’s inventory
display warning <–this ■■■■

This is highschool level programming.

This highschool level programming is earn sh1t tons of money yo~

you jelly? huehuehue~

no wonder Excrulon is pissed…
i bet TOS coding gave Excrulon cancer
get well soon bro Excrulon

Could be a case of “good concept, bad execution”.