Tree of Savior Forum

Founder's Package Workaround

The problem:

  1. The server is limited to US East causing high latency to players of a different region.
  2. There lies the uncertainty of adding regional servers.
  3. Players no longer wish to participate the early access (or the actual game) due to the aforementioned.
  4. As a consequence of (3), IMC would have difficulty in determining potential player population which is essential in deciding whether or not to add the regional servers.

Allow the FP to be claimed in the regional servers if ever they be released; on the pretense that the servers may or may not be implemented. This would mean that for every new server released, players who bought the Founder’s Package may claim its benefits on that said server, excluding the 1 month early access.

However, this suggestion would only matter if the regional servers do get implemented. Nonetheless, it may promote the FP regardless of whether the servers would arrive after an indefinite amount of time.

(Optional) FP players may be given a bonus exp rate for 1-3 weeks on the added servers to compensate for the ‘early access’ benefit.

They have already stated that unless you redeem the package in game, it will stay available for use on any server at a later date. :slight_smile:


So, if you’re someone who’s looking forward to a possible localized server, go ahead and buy this, but don’t use it! … Ever! … We might release a new server six months from now! By then you’ll be able to afford it all with silver anyway!


The problem is, once you do claim the package then you won’t be able to do so on a different server. The emphasis of the suggestion being that the FP can be availed on any added server at a later time.

The FP mechanics as it is now is fine; but assuring that it can be claimed on servers added at a much later date than the release is a plus to grab the FP.

But that has been confirmed and assured. You could claim the pack in the year 2055 if you so want. (And if the game still exists at that point.)

It’s not a grab. A grab would be if they were time limited–as in they can only be used during say… the first three months. That would be a grab to get them before they go away for good. While they are a limited time sale, that’s the whole point of “founder” packages.

And of course you can’t claim them on a different server after you have redeemed the package. That applies to anything that you buy, in the majority of cash shop games. It’s pretty rare for it to be a repeatable account wide item, though TERA has a few things like that.

You clearly misunderstand what it means ‘to grab something’.
I’m hungry, I’m going to grab a sandwich.
Have you heard of the new iPhone? Let’s grab ourselves one.

Semantics aside, it would make more sense if it can be claimed on regional servers that would be released at a much later date (which may never happen). This is to encourage players to avail the Founder’s Package and play. Players who would have otherwise ditched the server since they would only play through their localized server.

Note that there have been numerous cases of people refunding their FP since they are not satisfied with how you can only claim it once and that the only available servers are NA based. It is quite silly to buy the FP hoping that you may never be able to claim it or that you would have to wait months long before availing the package.

At least with the assurance that they may claim the package on a later released regional server and still be able to try it out during the early access, then they might consider playing TOS.

Yes, you could; however, only on one server. Hence, if you are part of the community who wants their own regional server, you would have to abstain in opening the package during the early access and wait for the localized server, which may never be implemented. For such reason, players get discouraged in opting for the FP and join the early access; possibly ditching the game entirely.

Allow me to clarify the suggestion, make it so that the Founder’s Package be claimable on servers released at a later time following the official launch of the game; regardless if the package has been availed on a server during the early access. Of course, provided that they bought the FP before or during the early access.
This would mean that during the early access, you would have to choose one server to claim your package. And in the case that servers are added at a later date, then you may be able to claim the FP on that new server.

And just like making a quick snack, a cash grab is shoddy material or content meant to get a quick buck without concern for the customer. It is usually something of substandard quality. As a linguist by profession, I reiterate my point: it’s not a cash grab.

Did he say “cash grab”, though? He simply said “grab the FP” as in “pick up the FP” or more generally “acquire the FP”

Unless you’re referring to a different post of his?

I was extremely sure that he had that phrase in there, it’s not like me to nitpick over something like that out of thin air. It’s also been edited several times, but I could have misread. I’m only human ^_^, if it’s my mistake I most certainly apologize.

Ah, yeah. It’s been edited. It’s kinda hard to tell if it originally said that or not… In these cases, it might be good to quote someone. Sure, other people can say you fabricated the quote, but at least you yourself know what the post originally said.

I faced the same issue when I was bantering with someone, and all their posts got deleted. Now my posts look completely out of place. If I had quoted him, at least, it’d at least still have the context.

(Then again, maybe the quotes would’ve been removed from my posts by the mods…)

I don’t mind looking a little silly to state my opinion though. Not too worried about it. The OP has their opinion and are entitled to it for sure. I disagree with it though on several points but that’s just me. It’s important to consider multiple views. :slight_smile: (And yeah I’m going to have to start quoting >_>)

Sad how non-editors could not view the edit history. I’d be willing to share the history and much of it are simply to clarify a point. And yeah, I only made mention of grabbing the FP; not stating it is a cash grab.