Tree of Savior Forum

Founder pack price increase?

I know why regional prices are there. I also know that regional prices are one of the most abused things on steam.

The game is going to be free. I will say it again premium currency is a luxury aka a want and not a need.

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Educating people tends to earn you places like those, your welcome.

Umm, it does helps me to afford the packs at adequate prices. I’m just not as silly as you to buy overpriced products, lol.

TL;DR: muricans saying that people from emergent countries can’t afford entertainment

do you really think they will make the game f2p? they will problably post a note on the “release” date saying the game won’t be f2p anymore

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My bad, I meant token price, not TP price, that being said it makes token more expensive for f2p players, since less token on the market = higher price, so this affect everyone in the game, also means that TP worth more in game, so it’s more towards p2w than it is now.

Come on guys lets Troll these chats up!

You get what you pay for. It’s pretty silly of people to be so entitled as to think they deserve to pay such cheap prices for the same product.

dude plz tell me ur IGN so i can block u lol u are so fking stupid

I will now end this conversation with a completely random image just for you. :heart:

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we wont be able to pay in our fking currency by the time they transfer the server u idiot. and we still losing the FA packs by the time server move its location. we’re talking about the packs not fking TP buy after f2p launches. u just went full retard

I can’t even…please use ur google

It’s pretty silly of people to talk a lot of sht they dont even know anything about what they are saying

Did any of you ever have that teacher who punished the entire class because 1 of the students were being shitty?

Well it’s the same case here.
Some people exploited the system, imc noticed, and now they’re punishing the entire class.

Don’t get mad at IMC, get mad at the exploiters.

They said they’d move the server there, not that you’d get a regional publisher. If you’re still dealing with IMC as the publisher you’re paying the same prices as the rest of us.

H-He got baited! I-Its not that I can’t afford it! I’m just trolling!


I am a bit disappointed that this is how you tried to fix the bot issues. I was waiting for the 21st for the discount and buy the DLC 3 to gift to my friends so that they can play with me. Now that you’ve removed the DLC 3 and even increased the price on the DLC 2, I don’t think I can afford it anymore, even with the 30% discount. So basically what you did was change the price to decrease bots, but at the same time you also stopped me from inviting LEGIT players. I know they can still play once it is free to the public but I’m afraid they might not be able to create a character on the server I’m playing. That’s why I wanted them to get early access… Can you at least give me insight on this. Once the game is F2P, will the others be able to create a character in Telsiai server until it’s full, or are they dedicated to another server? Cause again I HAVE to play with my friends. That’s what MMO is all about. Hope you can respond promptly.

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Did anyone say bait?

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having fun here aren’t we

me too

Honestly. Token prices were going to go up once F2P started regardless.

the two cases are unfair btw