Tree of Savior Forum

"Forum" Temporary ban system

As far as i am aware we don’t have “Ban” system yet in this forum…

I’m Just concerned lately that many new accounts have been popping up, Just to derail a “thread and racist comments or to just simply Troll”, what counter measures do we have ? to limit this ?

I’m aware that ↓↓↓

But we should try to at least reduce their numbers

Granted we have the real goddes at our side @Staff_Julie:persevere:

But i’m afraid that our Goddess alone may not cut it in the future :cry:

Maybe we can make the flag system that if they got a certain number of flags let’s say they’ve got 100 flags then ban them for a week or two…

I don’t know please help me here im not a good Suggestor please input what you have in your mind… 'ill gladly take your suggestions thank you for reading this long post :blush:

EDIT:…Errr looks like we have a ban thingy so sowwy about that :cry:
But still please share your ideas on how to limit this so called trolls :blush:

We did have a ban system in this forum.

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oHHH we have 0_O i feel dumb now :cry:

haha don’t feel like that, it’s understandable when staff didn’t do it usually.
Not many people know staff actually banned someone, but they did.

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But is it like Permanent ban ?

Depend on them, it was temporary ban, i remembered it was 1-2 months length.
But if staff want permanent, they can do it :3

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