Tree of Savior Forum

Forgotten Classes [Thaumaturge]

Dear IMC,

It’s great there there are so many classes in the game! Truly this is one of the best selling points of [Tree of Savior]. However, there are classes that have much to offer us players, and there are those who don’t have much at all. The focus of the new balances and such have been primarily on popularly used classes like Linkers, Cyromancers etc. and understandably so.

However I think more attention needs to be paid to classes nobody is playing, the lack of players being because many of the skills just don’t work or don’t provide that much use. The Thaumaturge is one such class that has a great costume and concept but is in need of a rework in order to be relevant.

Instead of nerfing other classes, I would like to suggest that more work be put towards strengthening classes that get near to no play.

This will also confirm for other players what some issues with the class are.



  • Refreshing this skill will not conserve your HP, meaning every recast of this skill will reduce your health back down to it’s original state. This has been complained about before, and it is an understandable balance so that no Wizard can be in health mode continuously.

  • However, the duration on Transpose as it is means that Thaumaturges who invest in it will be a liability for their team, eating up heals every 60 -> 200s. As it stands it is not a very good ability, and needs to be LV 15 before even kind of being useful.

  • I would recommend extending the duration of Transpose by double, or adding an attribute that extends the duration instead.

Swell Body

  • This is the iconic skill of the Thaumaturge class, unfortunately it is not exactly working properly. The EXP boost has been confirmed by several other users in other forum posts (myself included) to only increase the EXP by the monster’s BASE amount as flat, meaning it is unaffected by the party bonus, Tokens, EXP tombs etc.

  • This equals out to around a 30% exp bonus for doing two fold of damage to the Swelled monster - this is just not worth it. Please re-evaluate the EXP Bonus from this skill to truly increase the EXP amount by 100% as it says in the skill description.

Shrink Body

  • Currently there is a bug where monsters who have Shrink Body applied will heal back to 100% of their health.

Shrink Body && Swell Body

  • These skills have EXTREMELY small cast ranges. Considering that at level 15 each can effect 10 targets, it is neigh impossible to make the skill connect with those 10 targets, these abilities in addition to not providing much utlity, are very difficult to make use of because of this.

  • Please consider increasing the range of the abilities drastically.

  • The Thaumaturge is just one of many other classes who have too little to offer to the playing experience and risk becoming forgotten classes, coming across as just [Bad Classes] in general. I think it is in TOS’s best interests to start by helping these dead ends out rather than allowing players to only use the most popular classes - classes that are not popular because of design but because their skills actually function properly.


Thauma would have been immensely better (best mage support) if it’s swell/shrink enemies’ +60% magic damage attribute worked as implied instead of what we currently have - 60% of casters Matk one-time damage upon cast.

As i understand it was designed to work in tandem with Linker’s Joint Penalty (same target count) + Hangman’s Knot. That way it is very effective.

Swell body increases ATK of enemies but makes them slower, Shrink body has opposite effect.

I would recommend to give it same treatment that Peltasta’s Swashbuckling got some time ago: to refresh buff instead of overwriting it on consecutive use. I wouldn’t mind if it got same healing bug as well.

Swell Body increases ATK of enemies but the Attribute decreases it. Furthermore you dont HAVE to ues the speed decrease Swell Body making it a flat ATK decrease.

I beg you to re-read skill and attribute effects. Get your facts straight.

Right back at you. Please watch as you eat your words.

Shrink Body has the attribute Shrink Body: Increased Movement Speed which can reduce target’s ATk and MATK by 75%.

On the other hand, Swell Left Arm: Swell Body’s attribute allows players to apply the [Attack Weakened] debuff to targets under Swell Body stacking up to 10 times for 32 seconds. Each [Attacked Weakened] stack reduced their ATK and MATK by 5% for a total of 50%. While there is a 25% discrepancy I my point was that both Shrink and Swell can reduce target’s Atk and Matk by significant amounts, meaning the only thing unique to Shrink Body is a 130+ dmg bonus from Swell Left Arm’s attribute bonus.

I am totally for buffing the Thauma skills and making it a more viable support class to play with. I had the opportunity to party with one and I’m a support cyro-chrono with low dps (because that’s how the build is). Thauma buffs really improved my dps and we cleared quest fields easily. It should be a class worth playing and heck, I would choose Thauma going after chrono3 if and when I get there because the ice tree gathers up enemies very easily for Thauma to work with.

Range should be to include the whole party because in dungeons and missions, we tend to be all over the place because we’re not the most coordinated of players with voice chat and etc… Buffing should be easier and even having an attribute with chance of increase dmg would be cool. Increase durations always sounds good :smile:

More love for less popular classes please!

i really love thauma
got one in 190 dungeon
so fun
but daino is a must

I agree that Thau could use some changes to be more viable as a class, but I’m not sure if I agree with all your points. Namely…

[quote=“kittycatfromhell, post:1, topic:278035”]Transpose

  • Refreshing this skill will not conserve your HP, meaning every recast of this skill will reduce your health back down to it’s original state. This has been complained about before, and it is an understandable balance so that no Wizard can be in health mode continuously.

However, the duration on Transpose as it is means that Thaumaturges who invest in it will be a liability for their team, eating up heals every 60 -> 200s. As it stands it is not a very good ability, and needs to be LV 15 before even kind of being useful.
I would recommend extending the duration of Transpose by double, or adding an attribute that extends the duration instead.[/quote]

Transpose is a really good skill already, honestly, but a longer duration wouldn’t help. Currently all you need is lv2 to have 0 downtime between casts, or lv3 if you want to be safe, but you don’t even need more than lv1 to use it effectively. Cleric’s heal tiles do percentage based heals, for example, so all you need to do is put on Transpose and take one tile. Assuming you have double or more INT compared to CON, that would drastically increase how much you heal per tile, allowing you to consume fewer tiles and share with the party more effectively. After you’re healed up to your old max HP value, just cancel the skill by right clicking it and boom, full health. It also boosts natural HP regen and gives a slight boost to healing from potions due to the boosted CON, so it makes for an excellent HP regen buff.

Instead, I think this skill would be greatly improved by changing it from a normal buff to a skill that can be switched on or off with the skill button (ie. pressing the button again cancels the skill effect, if that’s possible?). It would be a very minor change, but it would make it SO much easier to manage your HP during combat, especially if you use keyboard controls.

I can agree with this change for sure, though I do think Swell is already good as is considering it doubles drops/silver correctly. The EXP is a nice bonus, but it’s most useful when farming weaker mobs for their drops.

Agree with the rest of these points. I don’t mind Swell/Shrink being melee skills, but the range of the skill should scale with levels. A higher level = more targets and an appropriately larger range/visual effect.

I agree Thaumaturge needs some work, I find it a really fun class but sadly gets massively overshadowed by Chronomancers.

I believe just making Transpose able to refresh would make their life easier by a lot instead of giving it a longer duration.

Btw just a question while we’re at it, which classes goes well with Thaumaturge for a Thaumaturge Build with C3? I couldn’t think of any good combination for it lol also, full INT vs full CON?