Tree of Savior Forum

For You Swordsman: Would you like a button to sprint instead a double touch on diretional?

I’m a swordsman, going to Templar or Shinobi.
I have LAG.

My problem is: everytime some lag increase, I lose the sprint. Then, some maps I need to do this numerous times, and sometimes I had to touch more than 2 times to work again. Sometimes after 10 steps is broken again.
On battles PVP or even with bosses, where the lag can increase, is very dificult to use, since the time of the double touch need to be right.

So, I would completelly like to see a option to a button for sprint. Specially for the battles. Since one of our few advantage is to sprint, with a button we may just press the button if the run fail, without get annoyied pressing the directional touch numerous times.
Note that this has nothing to do with power, or class advantage, but with usability of something that already exists.

I know people dont like to Press a button while the character walk, but this could very well be a option.

Remember: if you dont have this problem, think on the usability and think that other people may have this problem. I want to know what you think about it.

This is not about remove the double touch, but add a option of button to sprint and then have both.

Please, I dont want to be hude, but if you are not a swordsman, dont botter respond, because make no sense respond for something you dont use.


Why not both if it’s possible? :v

That is what I mean with this be a option.

But is good that you cited this point, now this point is clear to everybody, since maybe was not very well expressed.
I dont want to change for who like how already is, but add a option that can be usefull even for who dont think on use that right now.

I would like to sprint while holding SHIFT+direction.

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The game was originally designed for controller, there were no other controllers. Mouse and keyboard was implemented afterwards.

With this in mind it’s obvious why they chose the double tap approach - This removes the need to have a button which takes away a valuable option that could be used for skills or other things on the limited number of buttons controllers have.

I’m primarily a controller user however and I’ll happily lose something like map functionality for the sake of having a press-to-sprint button. Double tap is unreliable, especially in low fps situations.

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