Tree of Savior Forum

Foods and Drinks, a small boost for health and mana when resting with friends

Everyone knows that it sucks after some level, to restore hp and sp of character
because it takes too long, right? Summed with the bonfire bug that happens to some players
like me, it is indeed annoying.

So I brought a good idea that can be used as alternative for regeneration, the Foods and Drinks.
Foods and Drinks are to be used when the character is sitdown, resting.
They can never be used while in combat, but can be very usefull out of it.
What about your character eating a Sandwich, causing you to have a high hp recovery per second?
Or drinking a Tea, to cause a high sp recovery per second?

Basic foods and drinks could be bought on a npc in the town, while the same npc may sell
also recipes to make some kinds of foods, for a low amount of silver coins, or they can be
dropped by hunting monsters, or inside a chest.
Differently from equipments, food recipes are not destroyed after crafting once, but after crafting
the food 5~20 times.

You are about to participate of a boss fight and the health or mana is too low?
Why not eat some food or drink something? It will regenerate fast and you can
do the boss fight asap.

Also, after you eat a food or drink something, you will need to wait at least 5~15 minutes before you can eat something again, or you can end up throwing up, causing damage on hp or sp, plus having a chance
of giving a debuff that gives a small penalty to most statuses depending on the food.

The effect of the food and drink, could also be boosted by bonfire buff, causing it to be more efficient,
and also more confortable.

Also, depending on the meal you make, you could also get some buff that gives status boost that can be helpfull for 15 minutes.

So, you are about to face the boss in a instance, right? Your team is exausted, why not
place a pan with food so all party members can pick up food and boost health and mana regen?
Now your party members are good as new and ready to face the boss.
If you thought about squires on this part, then I guess the idea could go for them instead.

The crafting of the foods and drinks should not be as ridiculous as it is on Granado Espada Online,
and should not even be for very high level players, it should be acessible for everyone, and also
could make some items, like meats I found once on the fields, or fruits, be usefull.

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Food (Sandwich, Soup, Yogurt, Salad) already exists in the game via the Squire class, and can be picked up from the picnic table by people inside and outside of the party:

It’s unlikely that they’d make the same thing available from just normal town NPC’s. Also, certain fruit/vegetables you get from monsters out on the field give you restoration effects. I like the recipe food idea, but I think it would still need to be something unique to the Squire class or else that entire aspect of it would be rendered near-useless.

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Yeah but, wait until around class level 5 to be able to boost hp and sp recovery really sucks.
Also, if the devs rework the squire’s feast skill, it may not turn Squire useless, beside Squire is not useless
at all, because the equipment repairs and weapon refine they offer is usefull.

I somehow like the idea if it was like Squire C3 are like cooks deploying cooking pots and stuff haha

Another idea is having a cook class somewhere on cleric or probably still swordsman line who can cook stuffs for those neat goodies and hopefully it would be cheap.

Probably sellable in market too but has an expiration counter much like food in real life :smile:

Yeah, the Hunter class could be the most suited class for acquiring
ingredients for food, like meats and other things.
Beside since most monsters in the game are plant based, fruits and
maybe vegetables could be acquired aswell.

And I kind of dislike the idea of having a class just for cooking, will
end up kind of like Ragnarok’s Geneticist and it’s skill to create foods, comes way
too late and will make the feature end up being end-game (beside on the
game you need to do a quest while using a chef hat, which is made of
materials gathered from very tough monsters, to be able to acquire
the first crafting books).

Well it could be less harsh just as I said, it may be a high rank class but it could sell its consumables to market for a cheap price (as long as making the food is cheap and at least with a bunch of cooks around, should be good)

Let’s say, there’s no need for crafting recipes just how things are done for crafting classes but say the cook has a skill that allows conversion of normal material meat from monsters into a star graded meat that will determine the quality of the dish and of course, the strength of what it gives may it be a buff, restoration trickle, or etc.

Same goes for plant monsters for vegetables :+1:

This makes it so that each dish sold in the market will not only vary in type but also vary in quality.

Well, sure, unless they add a minigame that defines how good is the food based on your performance.

Well, Squire’s foods provide a long duration buff which can be very game changing at high skill and atribute level, these theoretical foods only work while sitting and have a fairly long cooldown and are merely meant as a quality of life convenience, a very good one I must say.
When I played a Swordsman I remember spending A LOT of time recovering HP at a bonfire because I didn’t have the money to spare into constantly buying potions, this meant a lot of downtime and generally just a pointless way to waste time which these foods would help decrease.

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Exactly, also, you would need to have a squire class 2 in the team, or be a squire class 2 to make the food,
because no other class is able to use food.
That means you would need to be around level 170 to be able to make use of it.
And that sucks.