Hello there I would like some feedback on this build I made. I’ve done my homework and scoured the Wizard form for 3 days now. I would just like some extra opinions.Its strictly pve based and I’ll explain my choices.
Wizard- I dont really like reflect shield and I think it wastes a valuable buff
slot. The rest is pretty standard.
Pyro- The research I’ve done shows that flame ground doesnt scale that well late game simply because the damage ticks are far to slow. And I heard that firewall sucks until later ranks. I dont like enchant fire too much since I dont like to auto attack that much as wizard. I will say its a good
skill but I want to put my points elsewhere.
Linker- Standard stuff.
Pyro C2-C3- The same deal as C1. I know that hell breath is getting a buff but I dont know if its worth it still. I do not like the sp cost for this skill aswell so 1 point seems fine.
Linker C2- Even more standard.
Warlock- From what I’ve seen Mastema isnt that great and Evil Sacrafice doesnt seem worth.
Thats the build. Again any feedback and constructive criticism would be greatly appreciated.