Tree of Savior Forum

Flames of Darkness Build (Help Wanted)

Hello there I would like some feedback on this build I made. I’ve done my homework and scoured the Wizard form for 3 days now. I would just like some extra opinions.Its strictly pve based and I’ll explain my choices.

Wizard- I dont really like reflect shield and I think it wastes a valuable buff
slot. The rest is pretty standard.

Pyro- The research I’ve done shows that flame ground doesnt scale that well late game simply because the damage ticks are far to slow. And I heard that firewall sucks until later ranks. I dont like enchant fire too much since I dont like to auto attack that much as wizard. I will say its a good
skill but I want to put my points elsewhere.

Linker- Standard stuff.

Pyro C2-C3- The same deal as C1. I know that hell breath is getting a buff but I dont know if its worth it still. I do not like the sp cost for this skill aswell so 1 point seems fine.

Linker C2- Even more standard.

Warlock- From what I’ve seen Mastema isnt that great and Evil Sacrafice doesnt seem worth.

Thats the build. Again any feedback and constructive criticism would be greatly appreciated.

Solid build to be honest, linker 2 works very well with both pyro and warlock, pyro is considered bad but due to you ability to multiply skills with linker you can make it work, but not having quickcast or frost cloud is seen by many as not the ways of a DPS.

Thanks for the reply. I know that the standard wiz3ele3wl is the most popular and the best atm. I find quickcast to be amazing but wiz3 puts me to sleep as far as leveling goes and you have to waste 2 circles just for 2 spell buffs and magic missile. And ele while insanely effective is just not my cup of tea. I know pyro3 can do decent but with IMC planning for lv 400 I wonder how badly this build will do then. To be honest the class I really want is shadowcaster for more dark spells but I am thinking of holding off making a wizard until it comes out so I can tailor a build around it. Do you think thats the best course of action here?

With links, cafrisun set and pardoner buffs everything is easy until rank 5. Even without links you don’t need too many spells.

There are options if you’re looking for a dark build:

but, TBH, Pyro is only that bad because it’s compared to wiz 3 ele3, which is very OP indeed, I don’t really think you regret your build if you learn how to play the best way with links.

And honestly, linnkers are loved in parties.

True I freakin love linkers. :smiley: And as for a dark build I did see your guide(very well done I must add) My only problem is that I’m not that big of a fan of summons. I guess the templeshooter is not to bad since I can ride him and use his skills kinda like its adding to my skillset. And if I think of the familiars as auto attack buffs they arent that bad either and servant helps with the dark buffs. I suppose if im looking for a warlock3shadowcaster3 this is the build for it. A question though is isnt the SP drain kinda hard to deal with? I mean once your sp is low I guess you switch to servant turn off summon and use wl skills? And if servant cant be used while summon is out do you turn on servant to use wl skills then go back to summon?

Templeshooter is a constant DPS with good scaling that you don’t even need to cast, you can use the skillset from ANY boss and use Morph for max stats (doesn’t works for 2 similar cards)

At level 246 my Dark Theurge can do ~90k damage 32Sec CD, Familiars do ~35k 35 Sec CD and can be aimed with any offensive spell, like MM or theurge. TS does 3.2k DPS on level 175 from what I calculated (I still can’t see 90k+ Damage every 30 seconds with auto-aim that I don’t even have to recast being bad, even without skills).

In parties Warlock with quickcast and links + familiars and salamion for burns and aggro and servant buffs will keep you busy and only using very good party skills, I only use TS against bosses or solo for the most parties. 1 Archer + 1 Linker = 5 Archers.

Servant takes ~16 seconds to deploy all buffs, that time in a bonfire gets you around 80% max SP (0 SPR here), the drain is not hard at all, 15% SP each minute is actually little for the damage he does, the real problem is the SP regen disable which makes you need potions. Everyone needs potions at higher levels but you can activate ninja SP regen mode and some other cool buffs 100% on the time on your whole party easily even without using buffs slots.

Hmm I guess the sorc2 doesnt seem that bad. Seems pretty powerful. I wanted your opinion on another build I made. I think this will work better in later Circles because of the CC it brings. I like to think kino3 and cyro 3 are run more than pyro because of the cc they bring while also doing decent damage. You think this is better than the pyro build?


yes, it’s a pvp version of ele 3 to me.

Even though its a pvp version do you think it can still hold up in pve or would the pyro build be better?


yes it can i believe, haven’t tested any of the builds you mentioned to be honest but they all seem reasonable.

Thanks for the advice. Your an awesome addition to the wizard forums :D. I think I’ll go with my pyro build. Hopefully it turns out good.

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Pyro is even getting some buffs, all skills are IC from your build so you don’t lose much for not going Wiz 3. This is a very solid DPS-support build as linker is a class so good at support 2 ranks of it are more than enough reason for peole to put you in parties. JP+HK on scattered mobs means literaly 800% damage bonus + “perfect repositioning” for singletarget spells.

Remember linker does nothing against bosses and anyrhing above linker 1 is a waste for PvP.

Yea I saw the pyro buffs. Werent they mostly to hell breath to make it suck a bit less? Also dont worry I dont plan to pvp much if at all on this char. I mostly like pve content in games. So the linker 2 will be put to good use. :smiley:

Wiz 3 > Linker 2 > Necro > Warlock is also very good, Flesh Cannon is 20 Sec CD 16x hits for 250silver and Hoop is mostly a few more hits to theurge. Shoggoth and dirty pole applies some debuff.

But yeah, leveling a wiz 3 is a pain but will probably be worth it.

Good luck, thanks for the compliments btw.

Np man Also speaking of the wiz3 Necro. Is it possible to go wiz3 linker 2 Necro2. I wonder if just three damage spells can work late game. To be honest i wanted a necro more than warlock. Even though it sucks I think the corpse mechanic is kinda neat. Wanted your opinion on this build.
I was thinking of taking points from tower and raise dead to max hoop for more burst damage. Or is quickcast mostly just for flesh cannon in which case this would be better?

It’d viable if Necro 3 is good enough, Necro 2 right now is not good enough when compared to warlock.

Wiz 3 > Linker > Sorcerer > Necro 2 seems better to me

Well danm heres to hoping necro3 is pretty good. For my pyro build what stat distribution do you think would be best. Since pyro and warlock have to get close a bit to use there spells I think a 3 int 1 con would be better that a 4/1 build. And the extra bulk would help since I am have support with the linker2

Yes, go with low CON but not so low you can’t stay alive.

Remember at some point mobs start hitting 3k+

Yea that extra con is gonna do wonders thank you so much for the insight really helped me out.

Running this build now, currently a lvl 246 Pyro3/Linker2/Warlock and with the same skill points distribution as well.

I can say this build is pretty good, and is very versatile in party grinds and dungeon.

No complaints about this build, good at mobs and also at bosses.

Skills that are worth mentioning is fire pillar, JP+HK and dark theurge, the 16s cc from firepillar and link are very awesome, while dark theurge dmg is really good.

Just one thing that bothers me is Firewall. According to my observations, in fields, iit expires prematurely(1 hit then 1 wall gone), while in dungeon, mission, it works pretty fine. I think this is a bug and needs to be fixed.

Overall I would recommend this build, with the mindset that you’re more of a supplementary dps/semi support. Goodluck!