Tree of Savior Forum

Flames of Darkness Build (Help Wanted)

Many thanks friend. I have a question for someone of such a high lv. I was thinking of maybe putting 4 points into hell breath because of the new buff for it. Perhaps I can take 4 from fire pillar since it does have a long cooldown on even longer than hell breath. Only worry is that sp drain seems irritating. Thoughts? Also do you think its better to go pyro linker pyro2-3 linker or just pyro1-2 linker then pyro?

Well thereā€™s no announcement if IMC will apply the same patches from kTOS so Iā€™m currently at 4 flame ground/10 fire pillar and 1 unused skill pt (saving for hellbreath if ktos patch will be really applied). Hellbreath really s ucks atm.

And if the kTOS patches get applied, I think 1 pt is enough for it since it maxing it doesnā€™t give u much offers other than additional damage. But if the damage turns out to be pretty good, maxing it will definitely be good as well.

I think pyro 2-linker-pyro is better since pyro3 doesnt offer much.

Hmm good thinking holding off on hell breath for now. Some korean gameplay showed that after the patch its still 1 point wonder because of the bloody sp cost. Good damage but expensive. To kill 220 mobs and up they needed to dain more than half of their mana for hell breath which was in conjuction with fire ball/pillar/and wall. Dunno if I wanna max it lol.

Yeah, the mana drain is really a problem, since not only it drains alot of mana, it also drains mana quite fast.

Well as a wizard, i really do hope that there wll be a class in the later ranks that will solve mana draining issues, that would be quite awesome =)

ur build is nice, Iā€™m doing a build with pyro and linker too, but with necro, iā€™m waiting for necro 3 , might be strong xD , my build is nice for dps I think

Hell breath will give you in the future a 50% fire buff on monsters ( 50% fire debuf on monsters actually ). it will get reduced mana consumption and it will get a boost on dmg.

What you want to do with hell breath is.

  1. flame ground
  2. fire pillar
  3. fire balls
  4. fire wall ( if you got any )
  5. enchant fire
  6. hell breath

It will make everything do hell lot more dmg. Why would you use hell breath without nothing else. Makes no sense.

wiz3 seems to be kinda ā– ā– ā– ā–  to be honest with pyro.

Also with pyro the only thing you have to do with leveling = enchnat fire lvl 5 + fire balls and then auto hit your way with buffs to lvl 100+ without issueā€™s.

for your build you have 4 unused skill points you waiting for necro3 to come out to use em? If so not bad at all.

True Iā€™m not gonna lie enchant fire helps alot. But I just like to max fire pillar and wall instead. People already complain about pyromancer falling off and i think enchant fire isnt future proof. Cause 200+ enchant fire kinda just tickled enemies while fire wall and pillar did well. And with these buffs I think Iā€™ll still get 1 point. It seems its used for the debuff rather than the dmg. Aslong as the debuff doesnā€™t scale with level I think lv 1 is nice to have in the future.

You will be auto attacking pretty half of the time if not more, a fire dmg buff that acutally does dmg, also can be cast on a party will help a ton dmg wise. Having it up 24/7 is the best thing i have on my pyro. Itā€™s the fire skill i would get to lvl 5 besides anything else. Specially with blessings + weapon enchants the dmg is really good.

Fire wall is terrible, lvl 10 does 12k dmg total, if a monster is pushed through 4 walls tho lol.

Fire wall is only good at max level and when you got linker skills, so it actually does some decent dmg. But frankly you are better off maxing other skills then.

The problem with pyro is that all his skills are just weak same type of skills from other classes.

flame ground = 2x lower dmg then frost cloud while on top of it taking 3 times longer to push his 2x weaker dmg on a enemy. So in reality its a really weak version of frost cloud.

The only big plus point about flame ground = always uptime, but on bosses you mostly donā€™t stay longer hten 10 seconds on a target anyway with aoeā€™s.

Fire pillar = a weak version of hail / pole of agony, i think pole of agony can do easily 100k dmg on 10 seconds, fire pillar 17 seconds only 21k, so yea again way weaker. Hail does more dmg for sure on bosses.

It specially gets crippled on top of it as there is no way you gona put a boss on its place for 30 seconds.

So what you need to do is combine dmg.

For example.

  1. flame ground 74k
  2. fire pillar 42k
  3. fire wall 17k
  4. fire balls 76k
  5. hell breath ( 50% mana bar ) 33k

= 242k on 2 targets ( with all skills maxed besides hell breath lvl 1 ) ( 61 skill points needed )

elemental ( with wiz3 dmg buff )

  1. hail = 120k
  2. frost cloud = 120k

= 240 for 2 targets all skills maxed ( 20 skill points total )

If fire gets a 50% fire buff, you can cut the 30 sec to 15 sec, and 17 sec to 8.5 seconds and itā€™s going to comparable towards ele builds thatā€™s why they probably did it this way.

But still the amount of skill points needed is absolutely horrible while with elemental you can get more skills that do even more dmg to the list for the left over points.

So pyro is kinda needed to be combined with something that enhances itā€™s dmg like linker.

Hmm you are right. Perhaps I should take some points from flame pillar and place them into enchant fire instead. It just sucks that pyro doesnt get that much love. Cyros get all this damage and utlity out the wazoo us closest thing is firepillar. Sigh. Hopefully the linker 2 can make up for their lack of dmg. I also heard thaum is good with them because of the multihits pryos have. It feels like with pyro you gotta scrape up whatever classes you can to make em relevant. I have also been thinking of dropping warlock in favor of FF for more sustain. Since fireballs can be smacked around like a cheap hooker I find myself running past mobs in dungeons to smack them back into enemies. You seem very knowledgeable on pyro would like your thoughts on the rank 7 change.

yes iā€™m waiting xD , hope Imc realses soon.

Yea I hope they release some new stuff aswell. It would help me future proof my build if I knew what lied around the corner. Sigh guess all we can do is wait D:

I beg to disagree with what he have said, as a pyro 3 linker 2 warlock, I havenā€™t had the chance to auto attack much. And of course thatā€™s because he didnā€™t factor in other classes, only pyro. 'll tell you the scenario at 200+

At grinds, Ele/Muske are the main source of dps, youā€™ll be surprised that when you have an ele /muske in your party, you just need to link mobs and donā€™t have to deploy attack skills much at all.

But if your team looks like need more dps, then thatā€™s the time you spam your skills.

And at bosses, this is the actual time youā€™ll shine, Youā€™ve get plenty of skills to deploy,

Fire Pillar (lvl 10) (1m 35s cd) (17s duration)
Flame Ground (mineā€™s at lvl 4) (25s cd) (19s duration)
Firewall (lvl 15) (35s cd) (15s duration) (Better if you can compress the tiles)

and when you can go near the boss already

Dark Theurge (lvl 5) (32s cd) (30 s duration) (your best damging skill, does a 20 hit dmg @ lvl 5)
Pole of Agony (lvl 4) (2m cd) (not sure of duration)
Fireball 2x (lvl 15) (15s cd)(95 s duration) (16 hits limit)

All of which does good amount of damage, but of course still inferior to Ele/Muske

Also your fireballs can link bosses and you can do jp hk combo to reposition your fireballs.

As Iā€™ve said earlier, this build is good IFF you have the mindset that youā€™re a supplementary dps/support

A tip on pyro/linker:
Donā€™t use +100% additional magic damage in HK because this will kick your fireballs when you use knot

Thanks for the reassurance man. And I;m okay with not topping the dps charts. I personally like to bring utlity and support while being able to hold my own decently. Sort of a jack of all trades kinda thing. So I will keep trucking on. Wish me luck. :smiley:

Donā€™t worry about not having to use your fireball as much for mobbing/grinding, your link is more than enough to make them happy =)