Tree of Savior Forum

Fix Transpose | Buff Limits

Here is the problem. In general we should have an option to…

Lock Self Buffs

By this I mean an option that buffs one casts for himself will not be overwrote by all that sh*t your party throws in your buff counter - yes especially all you Archers with that damn useless Swift Step.


There are some core problems.

  • It is an important buff. It should be in the second unlimited buff bar (below) like Running Shot as this buff is usually really really important for the Thaumaturge and it is a pain if you lose it because of other buffs.
  • It makes no sense that if you switch INT into CON and refresh the buff that you lose all your life again. I would be fine if a full switch forces it but with Equilibrium one should definitally keep his life as long as you do not forget to refresh Transpose.

Thank you for reading. Notice me please!


Somehow, I second this. Its current state is counter-intuitive.

Agree, at the current state, Transpose is more convenient for full con mages


Any GMs able to advise if this is the way Transpose is intended to work? Or is it currently bugged with a pending fix?

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