Tree of Savior Forum

Fix Ghastly Trail - (Video)

Okay so this is one of the most fun skills to use in the Warlock Class and i love it so much, but it has a major problem that i am going to show

I thought it was a bug, and while searching the forum i noticed that a lot of people didnt understand why it happened and thought it was a bug too, but after some tests i realized what was wrong with it and how it can be fixed (its very simple actually)

So this is ghastly Trail


This is how it works: It makes the evil spirits (summoned by Warlocks Invocation and Dark Theurge) to follow your character in a line for 10 seconds
Below theres a vid of my character demonstrating it

The great thing about this skill is that it increases the damage of the evil sprits following you up to 100% (double the damage) and it also can be used to assemble spirits in order to use Drain (if you want to drain more than 5 spirits it’s hard when they’re scattered)

Since Evil Sacrifice can only send spirits to a limited range (in your screen), you most likely leave spirits behind, which is a waste.

Using ghastly trail not only improves the damage of those spirits, but lets you bring them to where the enemies are (for example, from a room to another, or at least closer enough to use evil sacrifice again)

And now for the “bug” part
The thing is, i used to think that the bug was that when there are a lot of spirits around the map, Ghastly Trail would make the spirits wander off in a random direction, but it’s not

This is how it is: In order to create a line behind your character, it uses the first spirit summoned as the first on the line, then the second, up to the last one you summoned
This is where it gets problematic, because if you had a summoned spirit in the start of the map, and Dark Theurge On, in order for that spirit to become the first on the line all of your latter sprits (summoned by dark theurge) would have to follow it first (even tho they were already around you) until the line is formed and it can finally stay behind you

Since the skill has such a short effect time (10 seconds) this makes it go to waste if you don’t learn how to use it

How i manage to still use it: When you use Evil Sacrifice, it destroys the spirits used in the process, even if they don’t hit anything. So i use it to get rid of the spirits that i know are going to get in the way, then i can use ghastly trail properly with the spirits around me

How it can be fixed: Make Ghastly Trail work only in a Certain Area around you (most likely your screen), that way it will only work with the spirits already around your character OR/AND Make Ghastly Trail assemble spirits that are closest first, then they won’t need to go back to stay in order, whichever is closer is the first, than the second and so on

Please please please please don’t ignore this, this is a player’s cry for help

There are other problems with this skill:

-Duration is too short
-Spirits’ speed doesn’t match the speed of your character (so if you’re too fast, they stay behind)
-Since it’s a channeling skill, you can’t do any other action while walking around with them

My suggestions are:
-Make it a buff. The spirits will always follow you, while you can kill monsters and “collect” spirits at the same time
-Increase duration
-Match the speed of character
-To create a line behind the character, it uses the closer spirit as the first on the line.

I like this skill’s concept, but there are too many problems with it, I just gave up :confused:

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