Tree of Savior Forum

Fix for the mouse controls

Now that I can finally play with a mouse for better targeting I realize that the control scheme is really lacking. But the problem can easily be fixed!

The Problem

You walk and attack with left mouse click.

  • This is indeed a problem as you often attack if you just want to move or you move if you want to attack.
  • So this forces you to use WASD which is bad as you already (should) have a legit method of moving.

The Fix

  • Left mouse only for movement.
    The actual moving implementation of the left mouse click is completely fine!
  • Right click only for targeting.
    This way you can not mess up.
  • Give an option to left click right through the map.
  • Anything else is keyboard.

This way one can have the spells all over the keyboard without the need to lift the fingers from WASD.
For example one could get like this:

  • Attack on Shift.
  • Jump on Ctrl.
  • Spells/Items on the letter keys.
  • Interaction/Utility/UI on numbers and also letters.

This makes life a lot more comfortable.
The way it is now you are forced to either move using WASD and lift fingers from movement to use spells and anything else or use the arrow keys for movement and switch to the mouse for targeting which is slower and very uncomfortable.

lol? You MUST atack with the mouse…

No I do not need to. It is about options here.
And it is preferable to have attack and targeting seperated.

Not yet using mouse controls as I need to adjust the given controls to make these barely useable.
So sorry can’t really give you feedback about this.

so the fix… how a sword or a archer will play, only with the left hand?

Left Hand: Keyboard.
Right Hand: Mouse.

Other way around for left handed people.

try play with only one hand… to atack and cast spells… and sry but… which lv u ar?

Another button for attack with right click should of course be possible. And also anything that was able before - just new options.

Because it sucks that you attack a target the moment you focus it. That costs time and might even kill you ingame.

I prefer to play with both hands efficiently. What the hell do you want from me?
Nevermind, I do not really care.

This topic is about mouse controls which means mouse + keyboard.
The actual mouse movement is broken because it regularly does unwanted moves.

If you have nothing productive to add please keep trash talk to yourself, thanks.

Right click only for targeting. :slight_smile:
TOS? :joy: