Tree of Savior Forum

Firewall - woth it or not?

Any suggesgions for my build. Im currently a wiz1>pyro2>link1>X>X, to fill the X I want to get pyro3>thau1/link2. Since firewall was not getting by other pyros out there, I want to get it and maxed it to lv15, flame ground stays at lv10, firepillar lv3 and get hellbreath to lv1 and the rest points to fireball. With your suggestions and insights about pyros, Is it worth it to get firewall or should I invest to max fireball and flameground?

Sorry for my grammar. Thanks in advance :smile:

Ps. To finish my end build, what will be my Rank7?

firewall is one of those skill. either you max it or don’t put any point in it.
it do decent damage if u manage to have a lot of tile hit the boss.

It’s good against small targets, pretty bad in every others scenario but it’s better than nothing considering how easy it is to use it.

it is only in a linear form right? and the square form wall is only for ktos?

Linear is when you cast it quickly, if you want to give it a shape you have to manually input it which takes time so it’s not recommended.
It’s just like ice wall.

Sounds about right. Max fireball obviously, lv10 flame ground, then as many points in firewall as you want. Lv10 with a rectangle configuration is pretty good, or just cast in a line and kite back and forth.

I thought some Firewall would be handy for its +fire property attack attribute. But apparently, the buff only lasts 5 seconds and simply standing inside the Firewall doesn’t refresh the duration. You’d have to run in and out of the fire to refresh the +fire property attack buff.

nice. casting firewall in a long period of time to form a square shape walls, I thought its only in ktos. haha.

Maybe kiting is the key to maintain the 5 secs buff :grin:

You know… that +25 fire property attack isn’t a lot

+25 is a lot for pyro as all their main spell are multi hit.
+25 fire atk should behave the same as arde dagger, wich mean for a lv 10 fire ball that has 10 hit. every hit will get +25 fire, so you actually get 250 damage total per fireball. (minus elemental weakness/advantage)
same goes for flame ground, fire pillar , and fire wall.

Not when each hit is already doing over 2k. Sure, it still adds something, but not a lot. I think the OP’s just making too big a deal out of it.