Tree of Savior Forum

🔥 [SUGGESTION] Please make levels of mobs/bosses in Saalus missions scale down to that of the lowest-level party member (both queue and pre-made)

You probably got into a scenario like this before:

  1. Create pre-made party (say highest level is 280) and link party invite in normal/shout chat

  2. 1-3 other players join in. It seems like no one else is so you decide to go in.

  3. Suddenly, a lv.330 joins in (having seen the link in chat) and gets inside dungeon.

  4. Levels of dungeon mobs/bosses dynamically scales up due to new high-level member getting inside.

  5. RIP lowbies.

The party’s lucky if the high-level one can carry or the mission is Lake or Convent. If not, it’s an excruciating experience for everyone. Some other players would even consider just giving up the mission and queue for another instead or change character.

Sometimes what happens in queue is that the level gap is so wide the lowbies are turned into useless paper.

If they were able to solve this issue in the case of the Cherry Blossom event, why not for Saalus missions? The exp is already crap anyways, why not let the other 4 carry the lowbie 5th guy (instead of having just 1-2 carries) to make the run faster?


I think a better solution to this would be for the devs to add recruit limitations to the party settings.

Allow party leaders to set a level range for people joining the party and everything is solved. This is a feature of most MMOs.

The existing settings are woefully under-utilised because they’re not very useful anyway. The original designer did not think them through very well or understand how players would actually see/use them.

Good points. I think though that would only work for high-pop MMOs.

Considering what iTOS have at the moment, we’ll want every player who can do the dungeon, especially in non-peak hours.

Event does this and some people complained about it…

Event gives decent exp when it is in your level range. Some people complained because of the wide gap making the exp only beneficial to the lowest level member(s). But then if they limit the level range, the other side of the population would complain about the queue wait since they don’t need the exp.

Saalus doesn’t give exp, maybe mediocre exp if at all, AFAIK in the hundreds of runs I’ve done. There’s no good reason why the monster level should scale up beyond what’s doable for the lowest member in the party, making them useless (maybe except for defensive supports). It’s just making the hard missions longer for everyone. Same silver drop. Same cubes. No exp.


hmm! you do have a point…

@STAFF_Yuri @STAFF_Ethan

would love to see staff view of it :slight_smile:

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Even when running Saalus with a full con chrono or support cleric, being at the lower end feels excruciating as you can still easily die from a few hits. It makes supporting the party a lot harder as well (had to use heal on myself or die in the process of buffing the party for example).

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Not only in Saalus that happens you know, even newbie dungeon like Tenet chapel raid that can happen.
IMC should try to make a debuff where if a player have a higher level than the instance the player is in, the debuff reduces the player general status to the point that it’s status gets near to the level of the instance.

And If I remember well, ideas of level reduction have been suggested since before the CBT ended.

I think if this is implemented, more and more players will be using the “Match 2-4 players” option in Saalus since having a 5-man party isn’t necessary there considering there’s no exp involved.

This will drastically reduce the wait times in queue.

@STAFF_Letitia @STAFF_Yuri @STAFF_Ethan

#SEAPerks :smiley: hehe

I don’t think these are bad suggestions :kissing_heart:
I’ll mention them to the team~


Unless higher level players would get their stats scaled back to that of the lowest member, wouldn’t that make Saalus pathetically easy, even more than it is, if you combine 1 level 240 char with level 330 chars? The 330 char will be able to steamroll the level 240 mobs without even trying.

The proper problem solving for this is that instead of instantly joining a party when clicking on the party invite link, clicking on the invite link sends a “level X character -insert name- wants to join your party. Do you accept? Yes/No”-message to the party leaders chat. That way the party leader can deny people who are too high.

Players, especially in low pop servers, are already doing this in pre-made parties.

Lowest level in party goes in… if:
Convent = no carry needed
Lake = one carry member is enough
Canyon or Royal Mau = at least 2 carries

Unless IMC makes Saalus actually worth the group effort (e.g. it gives decent exp), it’s just a boring daily.

At least Canyon and RM gives some silver, but a lot of players really don’t care about those (some would even leave queue for those maps) and just want to get done with the run ASAP.

If people want challenge, they’ll just solo it.

Makes sense to me. The core issue though is that people run Saalus for the cubes and nothing else making them want to get done with it ASAP so it doesn’t really matter whether everyone’s on the same level or have a very wide gap.