Tree of Savior Forum

Fire/Arch Rod Discoloration?

Server Name: Klaipeda

Bug Description :

I can’t really tell if this is a true bug or not or if it’s intended to be this way but the Fire and Arch Rods model is incredibly dull and discolored in comparison to their UI pictures. I really like the way these rods look but every one I’ve seen in game on other characters and myself looks this way. It’s really disappointing. Are the rods supposed to look this way? I haven’t noticed discoloration like this on any other equipment I’ve seen in game. It’s not a matter of lighting either because it will always look like this regardless of any shadows or brightness you run through.

Screenshots / Video :

Anyone know why this is happening? Does it looks this way for anyone else? I didn’t think it was a graphics error on my computer because this is the only item in the game this happens to.