Tree of Savior Forum

Finally Clerics Arent Gods

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Clerics are second best at best, and even then you could make an argument for third place.

Although with 30k HP you might find that even “supports” melt through you, that’s just how games work, they favor offense because it helps lessen the skill required to win, thus making it not take as long.

I’m confused why they don’t move however, eve if you argue that most of the time they were CCed I think I saw points where they weren’t but they stayed still, and they continue to start all clumped up which makes them easier to CC. Were none of them PD?

Possibly they were attempting to cast skills without noticing that they had a big grey cloud (aka Lacrimator) on them.

Rogue Pied feels cozy.

The damage of backstab + masinios dagger is good in PVP?

only good against low defense …youll need to somehow add in appraiser devalue or something…still a thinking process on that part but other than that you will r4pe 80- % of players…also youll need +3 main bow

AFK clerics are not gods, but thats true for any class.

Your video is basically " how three people gang up on a single person and complain that he doesn’t die".

TBL is without honor. If you gang up with 3 players on a single person just to state that “Clerics aren’t gods” well yeah, nobody is a god in this game. Rather, ganging up on a single player is a shameful act and probably the most gruesome mechanic in group PVP in games nowadays.

That’s no longer PVP, that is PVG [player versus group], and one player losing to three other cooperating players is nothing where the one side should feel proud of “winning” or the other side should feel sad for “losing”, as it’s unfair by default.

IMO that’s the greatest balance issue of these kind of games when it comes to PVP.

Just stating that, while a Cleric might be able to survive some troop, some Classes like Cannoneer can oneshot a whole troop of enemies, so I guess you can’t complain if Clerics are “gods” in defending against onslaught by multiple enemies.


actually they got CCed by the wizard when those clerics were buffing. the second match was also not AFk, they were petrified by the wizard which in the 1:29 second of the video, Elementalist casted petrify giving the enemy a skull debuff of 25 seconds (as shown on the enemy’s status on the right side). 25 second of not being able to do anything.

You know what, watching it more carefully, the elementalist solo carried the fight. both fight the elementalsit did that Sleep - Petrify combo. Pied Piper skill was actually useless at that fight since the Pied Piper was using CC on an already CCed enemy.

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doesnt change the fact tho: they were grouped together doing nothing whole time it took their enemy to get to the other side of arena. And i havent seen any teleportation going, so that ele wasn’t kino.

they were buffing though and they are grouped up because they want to circle Diev 3 statue for the invulnerbility buff. It took the elementalist 4 seconds to be in range of sleep. Considering the Cleris set up is buffing then Diev Statue, 4 seconds is not enough for cleric to do a full buff but the 2 clerics are smart enough to separate so only 1 got hit by sleep. However the elementalist happens to be a Linker and Grouped them up using Joint - Hangman then a petrify sealing them up. Those cleric still won 2 Rounds for a reason

So not really AFK. The problem was that those clerics does not have the usual oracle 1 or PD or Druid 2 which are the “Godly PVP Clerics”.

Malleus, Bloodletting, Revive, Counterspell, Chortasmata and Sterea are the true gods of this game

:tired: :tired: :tired: :tired: :tired: :tired:

Blindfaith, Immolation are too.
this combo is just too stupid anyone can kill with it.
Blindfaith is stupidly OP by itself : R7X + Blindfaith, Zaibas + Blindfaith.
well, anything with Blindfaith is godly OP, so.

The best defense is to kill yourself before they can kill you


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