Tree of Savior Forum

Filler Class Tips, anyone?

Hi guys,

So I’m really trying to crack my head on a filler class for rank 6.

Currently my build is:

Wiz -> Pyro -> Linker -> Pyro -> Pyro -> Dunno -> Featherfoot.

Concept of this build is on heavy solo play and occasional party/dungeon. PvE, I haven’t even thought about PVP.

Stat Distribution is basically 4 INT : 1 CON : 1 SPR (Which I’ll drop once SPR is about 30)

I’m thinking Thurm c1 or Alchemist c1, not interested in a Linker c2 (Cause dry as hell), so if anyone has any advice on a c1 kicker class for Rank 6, would appreciate that.

Thurm to go for the buffs with some utility.
Alchemist for potions, cause Featherfoot looks really SP hungry.

Any ideas, people? Open to suggestion!

Maybe you can put in a Psychokino for PP Fireball? Not sure how effective that would be but it does have more uptime compared to PP Icewall

I thought about that, after I saw this video:

[Tree of Savior] Fireball + Psychic Pressure Combo

But it got nerfed? Never played a Psykino, so no idea haha.

Looks good tho :open_mouth:

Either: Psychokino (Combo) or Chronomancer/Thau. Remember though that Feather draining skills sap your sp like crazy, so i think having just 30 spr may be a bit to small amount ( i heard that 1 full drain takes about 1k sp on a single cast! ).

FF here. The amount of sp drain depends on what you aim to achieve with Blood Sucking skill - deal damade or heal yourself.

If you want to heal, you can regen your health very quickly by stacking several mobs and casting Blood Sucking on them all at once. My FF’s BS lvl5 restores around 900-1000 hp per tick from 1 monster, so a group of 3 monsters in 2 seconds will potentially restore ~13500-15000 hp with Surespell and Quick Cast (if they don’t die early).

Thanks for the advice stalker.rick!

I was thinking to go for Blood Sucking R3 as a quick heal up skill, since I’m going to be playing solo most of the time and being reliant on HP Pots is probably not enough later on. There’s a video of a guy who plays a Pyro c3 Linker c2 with FF and he pretty much just link 7 mobs, less than maybe a second of Blood Sucking, and he’s almost at full health.

My normal skill cycle is pretty much link -> firewall / fireball. Seeing as the few FFs on YouTube pretty much link -> Firewall / Fireball -> Blood Bath is enough around the level 200s and up for general farming…any thoughts on this though?

Also, there’s a video of a FF who plays a very similar build too, but he played 1 rank into Thurma, he uses Swell Body R1 on the target, Nganhundi, and when the swell body runs out, literally kills the target in 5 ticks - is that still a thing for FF now?

Appreciate if you could give me some advice on this, Senpai stalker.rick! :smiley:

Hi Stalker, I am interested in doing FF build. Could you tell me more about your build? I am currently Cryo 1 and planning to go for Kino 3 (with 1 filter class - perhaps Cryo 2). Is it necessary to have linkers? Is Pyro better than Cryo for FF build? How do you find your experience with FF? O.O I am very curious, so I apologise for asking so much questions. Hope you don’t mind.

I will try to make a post today with my FF build and my impressions on it. Since it’s a R7 class, not many people risk taking it; also, some skill descriptions are just wrong.

Thank youuu so much :slight_smile: I am looking forward to it!

There you go, posted my build, not sure if it answers all of your questions but anyway =)

oh wow! like you, I’m going for this build as well, which is originally pyroc3>linkerc2>ff and having the same dilemma as you.

And as for the filler class I’ve decided, I’d like to try going for Necro1, for additional dps since they say pyroc3 has bad scaling late game. Flesh Hoop and Flesh cannon has good synergy with jp+hk + additional attacks with your shoggoth(which doesn’t drain sp as far as I’ve researched). Although, the main drawback here are the corpses(Corpse Gather skill needs to be last hit which sucks)and can be solved by just buying corpse potion (30 corpses) for 500 silver from necro master.

Hi norwyn

Yeh I was thinking a Necro, but I’ve heard the AI on the minions is rather buggy. I was thinking Sorc c1 as the alternative but focused on the Buff Minion and the Bats (which is claimed to be a really good consistent damage dealer), but the real value in Sorc comes in c2, which in my build will mean I drop my c3 Pyro :frowning: and probably be stocking up on mana pots so I can ride a boss minion lol.

I think I’ll probably be going for Thurma, love the look, and I guess people will appreciate my buffs from time to time haha also, bonus exp.

Yeah sad, but I think the other necro skills are quite worth it :slight_smile: Goodluck on your build! :smiley: