Tree of Savior Forum

FF for pvp is good?

I going for Wiz3/link1/Sorc2/FF is viable for pvp? tips?

From what I’ve read, Sorc2 + FF don’t really go well together since they’re both SP-heavy. With one of them being MaxSP% based and the other using flat SP, it’ll be hard to balance it out. Also, Featherfoot’s kinda melee, I dunno if you’d want to play that in PvP.

i have recently wiz1/cryo1/kino2/sorc1 i going for kino3 and sorc2. this is good for pvp???

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i think the issue here really is about Featherfoot and PvP in general. i’ve not seen any interaction myself but i would assume Bloodbath and Blood sucking actually don’t work on players? and that leaves you with bone pointing, Ngadhundi and Kurdaitcha which might be okay but no bloodbath/bloodsucking sounds like you miss the main skills entirely. the limits on those two skills are confusing to me in the first place.

It works on everything, but it only gives life from select types of monsters.