Tree of Savior Forum

Fencer Rapier weapon trail missing after July 26th Maintenence

Date and Time: 7/27/16 3:13 AM PST

Server Name: Orsha

Team Name: HolyGarbage

Character Name: Haiki-Mono

Bug Description :
It’s only a small problem amiss the more game breaking bugs, like the infamous party bug we’re all waiting to be fixed, but just keep this on the list of things to do please.
After the July 26th Maintenance that merged the kToS and iToS repositories, the weapon trails for rapier basic attacks have gone missing. Right now it just has my character swinging the weapon and the weapon trails that used to be there are now gone. The animation just looks really bland now, and it just bugs me a lot.
Also, another small note is that I do notice that Flanconnade apparently used to have a weapon trail as seen in the official trailer for the game but it doesn’t have one when used in the actual game. I don’t know if this is was intentional or not, but I will leave this here just in case.

Before, during and after: Happens everywhere and anywhere.

Steps to reproduce the issue :

  1. Equip a Rapier
  2. Use a basic attack

Screenshots / Video :

(Apparently new users can only put one image per post.)

Game Control Mode : Joypad


  • CPU : Intel Core i7-3630QM 2.40 GHz
  • RAM : 8.00 GB
  • Graphics Card : Nvidia GeForce 635M
  • OS : Windows 8.1
  • Internet Connection : Wireless
  • Country, Region : North America West Coast

Ahh, well it just came back just now for some reason after I started the game up again after a few hours.

Strange, since when I restarted the game a few other times before this time, the trail still didn’t come back… Either way, I believe this was a dud.

Thanks anyway.