Tree of Savior Forum

Feel weak scout/bm/sheriff/asassin

I am level 450 scout/bm/sheriff/asassin with level 440 glacia pistol +16 10 trans , 440 glacia 1hnd sword +16 9 trans, sauk savinose dysnai full set +11 6 trans, 3 ziburynas fixed ichors and 6 random ichors with str/con/dex/ crit rate. But for some reason i feel like i am weak and get outdmged by people with weaker items. What am i doing wrong?


swordman + archer > wizzard > cleric > scout

Scout is weak and it’s not your fault. They already reworked some classes in kr:

But still not enough compared to sword/archer/wizzard. what i see in extreme situation, swordman & archer do x2 x1.5 more damages than scout (in kr).

You can gain some damages if you play full leather glacia (wbr/raid):
Legenda - Retribution

  • Damage received from Raid Dungeons, Boruta Boss and Weekly Boss map decreases by 3.75% per parts, Damage increases by 25% per parts.

Some players already quit Scout for Archer.

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