Tree of Savior Forum

[Feedback] Event: Certified Trick-or-Treater and Weapons Solmiki for Free?

I don’t get how this event is fun. It seems the more candies you have, the more damage you can take till you die, the larger your AoE gets and the stronger your attacks become. This is so freakin unfair, if you join the round late you get picked off as easy prey by spawn campers that abuse the lag/delay between your char respawning and you actually regaining control to kill you again and loot all your candies till they have 300.

GG, this event is just some griefplayer & cheater event.

It’s like IMC was planning to use the halloween event and the solmiki item giveaway to instigate the players against each other instead of letting us continue our ± united nagging and protesting against IMC after the disastrous results of Rank 9/rebalancing for many Classes/builds…


i’d give everyone Solmiki weapons just to spite op. What an entitled crybaby.

P.s: The event is a ■■■■ show, but this reaction managed to be worse, good job?

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well, this event just feel disappointed.


Some people cooperation,

They help one 300candy first, and free kill other player,

Btw why swordman can use running in event dungeon?

Unfair game, when they are running, they will be invisable.

Imc like that “Malicious behavior”?


Event is fun in my opinion, but very VERY unbalanced.
There are sooo many spots people can abuse desync at, especially with all the added halloween obstacles.

It’s also next to impossible to kill anyone once they’ve hit a certain candy count; it’s practically suicide to even try to. You’re better off using your higher speed to run away and farm off mobs.

The idea works better in actual Agario, where there are very little repercussions to dying.

first i appreciate the idea of this event, it is fun but poorly executed.

when someone got 300, you hit him like a scratch, and soon he got his candies from floor within short time to recover hp, then he can 1 hit you and you lost everything, died, and respawn 10s with 5 candies left.

how is this fair? not mention the big aoe seems able exploit your delay further, many times i moved out but i still got hit

Got 1040 now gl salt ppl

where are the integrity and fair play of Soldier. if in the first day of the event they are making premades to gang on the halloween event???


Then don’t attack 300 candy people you silly goose.

dude howcome your word give me cancer thats totally unfair :tired:
note: dont poke ppl with 300 candy

Giving Solmiki its total no sense, and unfair! They really screw over this time.


:heeey: topic unlisted and relisted :tired:

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Ahhhhh the only positive thing this event does is shine the light and hopefully exposing those who have been exploiting 3rd party software or crash-related bugs. It exposes too much , i cant…

nice bait IMC. wowowowowowowo

To relieve the tension:


Mennezes, e vc jovem? O.o

the fact such a thing is even relevant…imc is so sad!


Dont understand why need giving best item in game as a reward . If has release new equip and new content still less angry . End game weapon is hardest to get and using too much silver to reroll and reroll not all essense give alot of scrap fragment too . IMC BETTER GIVE US 350LVL WEAPON NOW NO DIFFRENCE SO WE DON’T NEED TO DO EARTHTOWER SAVE OUR TIME SAVE IMC COMPLAIN . SO SIMPLE AND LASTLY CHEERS IMC

This game is a MMO and it usually requires teaming up and co-op play to achieve something. Your statement is silly. Its same as blaming people for doing Solmiki in parties.

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if this event would have dome to be played on partys imc was put a party match on the event or even they make the nicks alloweed to bee seen. dont come with your excuses pls. everyone knows that this events its made to be played alone. and not on gangs. cordinated by discord or Ts.

may be whe should ask what think the staff members about that ?

@STAFF_Amy @STAFF_Ines @STAFF_Ethan @STAFF_Letitia @STAFF_Yuri its fair play this event on gangs ??