Tree of Savior Forum

Feedback About whats Good about this game

Everyone, myself included have made clear the general idea of what we believe should be changed. So i want to take a different approach and state what i feel works really well and are things that should be keep as they are or enchanced.

So, the main thing is Combat. Besides how easy, hard, balance or unbalanced some monsters/bosses/classes are, the whole system of combat is really cool. It feels really active but with good flow.
Maybe some Skill AoE Indicator? sometimes it feels like i should have hit some enemies.

Maps and use of Art. The way the fixed view was used to hide secrets, npcs, chests, how cool some cutscenes look, how platforms move and such.
I would love to see this use for more random things, Changing locations secret NPCs, Random Spawning Chests with Random generated loot and Random Key lvl need. Maybe Jumping from one map to the other, Monster Hunter Style! Or falling off if failing a Jump.

Classes. Most of them have a uniqueness to them, and the combinations you can make are really interesting, some of the interactions they have with each other (such as Autoattacking a Icewall or striking a fireball).
I would love to see this taken even further (mixed classes maybe? Paladin for swordman AND clerics? Spellblade for Mages and Swordman? Rogue for Swordman and Archer?)

Monster Design. I know some people complain, some are generic, some have too much detail so they look too congested, but, MALLET DRAGON! great boss! and some of the simpler monsters are also quite interesting. Most of the designs are really cool and unique.
Maybe adding more mechanics to bosses, jumping up platforms to hit their heads, or jumping through some lasers to get to a swtch, Destroying walls or walking along them to hit a tail far away.

Gear. In general, gear has most of the things i dont like about the game, tier req level, antishare mechanics, etc… BUT, there are some cool items, both for they stats and for their uses. I want to point out 3 i found particulary interesting.
Vubbe Fighter Gauntlets are so strong, even with their low level they can be used for levels to come, you feel attatch to them since you have them for so long.
Mummyghast Mail has high stats for its level, as a tradeoff for its low duration, which is a cool balance mechanic, since you have to choose between going to repair more often /spending more money/ or a different armor.
Walker has +10 stamina which is a 50%? or 40% (cant remmeber if base is 20 or 25) and , as a swordman at least, helps you move way faster, i kept mine until lvl 60 or so.
I hope to see more items like this, and maybe, adding more gear? like a helmet, you dont have to add anything visual, just personal preference to have as much gear as possible to choose from (helmet - Cloak - rings - 2nd set of weapons etc…)

Quests. In general, quests are pretty simple, easy and very “normal”, But there are few quests that are really unique and fun, like taking the demons along to the altar to sacrifice them, or having the boss moving around the dungeon and having you to sneak around without her finding you. Those quests were pretty awesome. Creative and cool.
We need more cooler / unique, and maybe longer? more rewarding quests.

Sets and Hidden quests/bonuses. This was by far the coolest thing ever. They are sort of secret, they are worth even at later levels and they ask for items that “somewhat need” to be farmed. really cool. I do Think the AH killed the emotion of this since i just went there and bought what i needed for the sets i had, but the idea of those bonuses is amazing.

This are the main things i considered the coolest, i would love to see what else you found cool about the game.


I like That the 2nd wave of beta testers got already bored and Im not experiencing lag anymore!! yay

Maybe is the first wave thta gave up. Who knows.

first wave was gone after a week too.

Are you talking about the tenet chapel quest?
Yeah that one is interesting, transform, lure demons, sacrifice, plant something on the pillar and make sure the demon goddess will not catch you. And the mobs on 2nd F with the robot blasting lasers is cool too.

Another thing is I hope there are more Denoptic-like boss.
He hits hard I was level 69 barb and it was level 64 and yet I can’t face tank him.
I was hit by his laser couple of times 900+900 damage. And his green attack/acid deals 500+500.
One of the longest boss fights I ever had. I think I used 15-20 potions and kite a lot.

Maps, Classes, Monsters = there are good ones. I can live with it if there’s not so good ones as long as the AI is advanced or at least the difficulty would be entertaining.

Gears = I hope there are more varieties and yes freedom on how we use/trade them.
There are gears that can be created through crafting that are good and rewarding. +8 Dex +15 evasion. something like that and im hoping more of it on higher levels.

Hidden Quests=add to the fun, there’s a satisfcation of finding them. Even if it is simple. If they could only throw us a pack of that kinds of quests not the typicl go, find, kill, colelct. Maybe something that has the element of time trial/failure=hard consequence/puzzle/stealth/something that will really stretch our capability to think and prepare.

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