Tree of Savior Forum

Feedback about the iCBT1

This will not be my final judgement about the game itself.
This feedback will cover problems about the beta test.
This feedback is from my friend and mine itself.

-Experience Points
Well, Overall the exp rate is fine but considering this is a beta test. We need higher Exp rates to cover more ground and to test all the Advancements, Bosses, Quest, Npcs, Maps, And such. This is primarily the problem in the CBTs right now.

When i first started the game i experienced a 1-2 second delay(PH btw), Then after a patch was released, Delay dropped and it doesn’t hurt much anymore and later on it came back. Well i can expect it because im playing in an international server after all. (is the server in usa or something?)

Well what can i say… 2/10
just look at the people at global chat lol
comparing ragnarok 1 and this game
sometimes unfriendly and such
lol. Nothing to say.

Pyromancer < Cryomancer
its just monsters wont freaking burn, its nerfed too much.
imagine a flame that cant burn lol
and seriously we need high exp rates
my friend and i cooperatively played the game to cover many classes
since exp rate is so low we didn’t had the time to test.

Make em like field bosses
all of em
cause i see people complaining bosses are like idiots
show them hell pls


As expected of soundTeMP
10/10 :blush:

Overall Perfect
Since they support controllers and such.
Don’t have a problem about it.

Community pls.
Exp rate.

Thanks for reading and i repeat this is not my final judgement in the game and there’s still a lot of improvement and i know we didn’t get lots of content like KCBT and such.

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