Tree of Savior Forum

[Fedimian] Players from guild Turquoise trolling dungeon runs

Server : Fedimian

Team Name : scoorp/BKNG

Location : Klaipeda CH1

Approximate date / time (EDT) : every single day

I recently came back to the game just to witness that some things never change.

The players in question purposely troll dungeon runs by queuing and then going afk for the whole run and this happens every time they queue.
This kind of disruptive behavior has been going on for over a week now, despite the many reports that me and the other players caught up in their trolling have filed.

I’m already thinking of quitting again.


This is quite common here at Silute server.

Best thing to do: report the player and leave the dungeon, then match a new party. You don’t loose your entry, only if you complete the dungeon.

Here the 300 dungeon matching time is pretty quick, so its easier to just quit and re-match. Lower level dungeons might not even worth the time spent waiting for other players, or you can do them solo/with less people.

That’s what everyone is trying to do.
The problem is that he pretends to be afk and as soon as everyone leaves, he does it as well and requeues.
Fedimian is not as populated as Silute and often it ends up being either matched with one or the other troll.

The player has been reported the whole week by the in game function, now I’m reporting to the forums.

A vote kick feature is needed since GM never show up or do nothing about these problems, isn’t it @STAFF_Letitia?

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Don’t mind them , those peeps are just wannabe Rambo turkeys :wink: and the player BKNG pure trash )))
Erdogan need more restrictions for them .
Turquoise not even worth to mention )

why don’t you upload a couple of videos about them doing this? that’s the only way in which a staffer could give them some sort of punishment

I wouldn’t mind them, but you know, tomes and buffs runs out and that’s only one of the problems.


Staff can see that they do not move at all, it’s no point to show a video when they can say “hey, it was only that time”.
A gm has to review the log to see that it’s a constant behavior.

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They should have the tools to see if a player in a dungeon is 99% afk not moving at all hundreds of times in a row :o

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from my side:

It’s funny how @GM_Francis ignores this. Typical.

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This is also a big problem for player retention. Every time I suggest to run the 300 dungeon, my friends tell me that a Turquoise guy is queuing and refuse to queue. There is already not a lot to do as a group (before the endgame raids), so having this mode denied is frustrating. Additionally, as there is no way to do anything about it (reporting does not seem to do anything), it becomes much more frustrating.

The most infuriating point about this is that those guys are actively trying to ruin this experience for everyone else. They are not participating, but still actively queuing as soon as the run either finishes or everyone leaves.

Please take actions against those players, as they ruin the game experience for a lot of players with minimal effort and there is no way for us to stop this.

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why not just run that dungeon with 4 people… its not like it is hard or anything, right?
They cant ruin for others if they are out of runs for the day :smirk:
If anything they offer an increased exp for the rest of the party without the need to look for 5th player.

1- They queue all day long
2- The team bonus doesn’t change by the number of people
3- Now imagine, if IMC condones this behavior, what happens if more and more trolls start doing that

While you’re right that this is possible, it does not solve the problem at hand. It would be a band-aid solution to a real problem. As @TheAlleyCats already mentioned, when this behavior is tolerated more people will start doing it (no punishment and no disadvantage). It cannot be in the interest of honest players to be satisfied with a band-aid solution.

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It already happened. Back then there was the “Revelators” guild that did the same thing and the @Staff deleted the thread.
It was a whole guild doing that and you could not requeue because you would lose the run.

behavior like bkrg doing is just terrible to see everyday and imagine new or just weaker player seeing this…
this is just wrong and must be stoped

I just made a similar thread for the same people.

Everytime I queue one of these guys is ruining the dungeons runs.

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When you see one player AFK, it’s usually not someone trolling… but either someone that spent forever waiting in queue and got tired of staring at their screen, or someone playing with two accounts at the same time. In this case, it’s clearly the latter…

He afk’s on both accounts and as soon as people leave to requeue, he requeues as well.
If that’s not trolling, maybe is being an a…hole?

Didn’t catch that part. My bad… Then yes that’s unacceptable.

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This guy is online right now with both his accounts doing his trolling.

So, @GM_Francis, @GM_Sebastian, @STAFF_Letitia, @STAFF_Amy is this behavior allowed?

Because it seems you are actively ignoring it and this is the kind of amateurish management that made people quit the game in droves.
And the reason I’ll never invest a dime in it (thank god I didn’t).

By the way, if you don’t even acknowledge the problem, I’ll assume it is allowed and I’ll start doing it myself when he’s in the party and I encourage everyone else to do the same as a form of protest.