Tree of Savior Forum

Fedimian GvG/TBL Time Schedule Suggestion Thread!

Greetings Saviours!

Well, we certainly have received feedback from our European users on GvG/TBL times. So, we have decided to alter the time schedule to address the need of our users. What we would like you to do is leave a comment on this thread with the following info.

  1. Your country of residence
  2. GvG Time Suggestion In EDT and in Your Local Time (Leave it blank, if you are fine with the current schedule)
  3. TBL Time Suggestion In EDT and in Your Local Time (Leave it blank, if you are fine with the current schedule)

After gathering and evaluating your feedback, we plan to implement the adjustments during the next maintenance (September 13th).

Oh and please note that at least one time slot for TBL should be reserved for those who can only play early in the morning (e.g. freelancers, shift-workers, night-time vigilantes, vampires etc.).

If you are unsure of what time is it in EDT please refer to this site:


Te changes from Silute GvG/TBL was bad too @STAFF_John , why you dont make a similar thread to another servers? (Silute include please)

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15:00 EDT, 21:00 DST

  • 04:00 EDT, 10:00 DST
  • 14:00 EDT, 20:00 DST
  • 16:00 EDT, 22:00 DST

Get rid of that AM/PM bullshit.

Especially at the shown ingame times.

  1. Germany
  2. Between 12 PM and 3 PM ( 18 -21 gmt+1)

what about sea SV ???
18.00 PM it’s a dinner time
21.00 PM maybe it’s ok
but 3.00 AM ??? for who don’t want to sleep play ???
can you change
18.00 PM to 15.00 PM or 16.00 pls
3.00 AM to 23.00 PM pls
I thing old time TBL is better then new time -_- in SEA SV.
sry for bad English

  1. UK

  2. GvG --> 4:00 pm EDT (9:00 pm Local Time)

  3. TBL --> 3:00 pm EDT (8:00 pm Local Time)

** Any start time of 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm EDT is good. This is peak evening time.

  1. Germany

  2. 3pm EDT / 9pm MESZ

  3. 9 am EDT / 3pm MESZ
    2 pm EDT / 8pm MESZ
    4pm EDT / 10pm MESZ

Regarding the time in the morning for night shifters, or night-time vigilantes… I worked nightshifts for a long time and I think a early afternoon timespace is better then a early morning one. Because when I got home after a night shift I was dead meat, and the only think I could do was crash into my bed.

So I dunno but usually night shift end at 7 or 8 am (MESZ) here, and start around the same time in the evening, at least thats are the timetables for the health care system.

  1. France

  2. GvG : 15:00 EDT - 21:00 France

  3. TBL : 16:00 EDT - 22:00 France,
    14:00 EDT - 20:00 France,
    05:00 EDT - 11:00 France


i am glad to finally see a thread about time suggestions.


15:00 (3 PM) EDT - 21:00 MESZ would be fine

09:00 (9 AM) EDT - 15:00 MESZ
14:00 (2 PM) EDT - 20:00 MESZ
16:00 (4 PM) EDT - 22:00 MESZ

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  1. France
  • GvG: 3PM-4PM EDT (Around 9-10PM Local time) - It should be around 10-11PM for easter countries and 8-9PM for countries like Spain. I think it would be the best time for everyone.
  • 4-5AM EDT (Around 10-11AM Local time for us. Like the previous battle league. I think it’s “one” of the best morning times since you said we must have one. Tbh, I won’t be able to participate at that time so you might ignore this proposition and change for better early times for those who participate.)
  • 1-2PM EDT (Around 7-8PM local time)
  • 4-5PM EDT (Around 10-11PM local time) (After GvG time in fact)

I would also like to thank [GM]DURIAN since he was the one to hear our feedback when there was NO answer from staff on the forum. He also logged in Fedimian this morning to inform us about this thread.

PS: His Fluffy battlebird was cute :3
PS2: Just in case Devs mixed AM and PM again.

  • 15-16h EDT
  • 4-5h EDT
  • 13-14h EDT
  • 16-17h EDT

Dear staff,

good to hear you are going to change Fedimians tbl/GvG times. The “new” times are horribe. People with normal work/school/university shedule can`t attend them.
Also I do not take part in pvp (tbl), I sure would like to help my Guildmates in GvG. But NOT on 9am weekdays.
If you just shift the last 2 times into 12h later, the tbl times would actually be fine…

I hope you can gather enough input to find a middle way that everyone can agree to. :blush:

1) Germany
Time zone (Berlin) : gmt+1 / cest

2) GvG Times
3pm edt = 9pm gmt+1/cest -> (9 o’clock in the evening)
("+ / -" 1h is okay, too)

3) TBL Times
3am edt = 9am gmt+1/cest -> (9 o’clock in the morning)
10am edt = 4pm gmt+1/cest -> (4 o’clock in the afternoon)
1pm edt = 7pm gmt+1/cest -> (7 o’clock in the evening)
4pm edt = 10pm gmt+1/cest -> (10 o’clock in the evening)
(all “+ / -” 1h is okay, too)

ps: I can recommend this side for all time comparrsion. It is super easy and you can add/delete timezones. I use it all the times, as soon as you make any announcement on/with times :slight_smile:

pps. So many different time zones used x-x I feel dizzy…

Happy to see you will change the times, no idea why you gave us such effed up times in the first place… Still don’t understand your logic as to why we need a morning time tho, maybe for people that work in shifts (tho i imagine that’s a very small percentage), but freelancers??? that pretty much means your time is flexible and you definitely can do the evening times and night-time people and vampires would play during the night not early in the morning…

  1. Moscow time zone
  2. 13:00 EDT, 20:00 Eastern European Time (EET)
  3. 05:00 EDT, 12:00 EET
    12:00 EDT, 19:00 EET
    16:00 EDT, 23:00 DST
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It’s the same issue for all servers, please do this for all servers. No one in the right mind would wake up at 4-5 AM for TBL


15:00 (3 PM) EDT - 21:00 MESZ

09:00 (9 AM) EDT - 15:00 MESZ
14:00 (2 PM) EDT - 20:00 MESZ
16:00 (4 PM) EDT - 22:00 MESZ

thanks noir_ben you made this easy for me : )



3 pm EDT / 9 pm Local Time

10 am EDT / 4 pm Local Time
2 pm EDT / 8 pm Local Time
4 pm EDT / 10 pm Local Time

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3PM-4PM EDT (9-10PM Local time)

Team Battle League:
4-5AM EDT (10-11AM local time)
1-2PM EDT (7-8PM local time)
4-5PM EDT (10-11PM local time)

I’m a vampire!

shoutout [GM] Durian, Fenatte aka haste bot, and Masaya cutest gf :heart:

  1. Country

  2. GvG time
    15:00 EDT, 21:00 CEST (gmt+2)

  3. TBL times
    03:00 EDT, 09:00 CEST (gmt+2)
    11:00 EDT, 17:00 CEST (gmt+2)
    16:00 EDT, 22:00 CEST (gmt+2)

Be aware that most of Europe (except Russia) uses daylight savings time. Right now we’re on GMT+2, but from end of october to march, we’ll go to GMT+1 (so my proposed TBL times will be 08:00, 16:00, and 21:00 in local times during half the year, and GvG would be at 20:00).

You might think about switching servers clock to match daylight saving, but unless the game is designed around it, it’ll probably cause bugs and weird problems.


3 pm EDT / 9 pm Local Time

10 am EDT / 4 pm Local Time
2 pm EDT / 8 pm Local Time
4 pm EDT / 10 pm Local Time

Finally thx

  1. Germany

  2. 3PM (15:00) EDT - 9 PM (21:00) CEST (GMT+2)

  3. 2 (02:00) AM EDT - 8 AM (08:00) CEST (GMT+2) ;
    11 AM (11:00) EDT - 5 PM (17:00) CEST (GMT+ 2)
    5 PM (17:00) EDT - 11 PM (23:00) CEST (GMT+ 2)

Thank you for considering to change TBL and GVG times.

  1. Russia

  2. GvG 3:00 pm EDT / 10:00 pm MSK

  3. TBL 5:00 am EDT / 12:00 pm MSK
    2:00 pm EDT / 9:00 pm MSK
    4:00 pm EDT / 11:00 pm MSK