Tree of Savior Forum

Featherfoot's blood bath and blood sucking

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Server Name: Fedimian

Team Name: Nomore

Character Name: Arteria

Bug Description :
Blood bath and Blood sucking don’t heal with any debuff’s, except Enervation. (description: "…if the enemy Beast, devil or insect-type, OR affected by the debuff… " ).
Not working with debuffs: Spirit shock confusion, swell body, joint penalty +attributes, hangman’s knot +attributes, kurdaitcha. Not trying lethargy and sleep.
Working with Enervation

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To be honest, never saw it healing in other races, even with debuffs, without the special gloves
“Intasurta Gloves”

by debuff it means enervation specifically so it’s working as intended. If you want to heal against mutants and plants you have to use blood curse. (or use the gloves above)

Why i dont see

THIS in description?
And why at least kurdaitcha not work as debuff?
Exist the other gloves for blood bath specially in game?

I can’t play this game more than month. Everytime i have IMC’ed, buttpain, and leave game on another half year.
Still thinking it’s a bug, skills not work as written in description.

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That “affected by the debuff” part of the description was only slapped on after enervation was made during r9. Before that, featherfoot always had those limitations against plant and mutant types when it comes to lifesteal so I guess most people just understood how it worked already.

But anyway sorry you became a victim of sloppy translation, enervation is a unique debuff that enables lifesteal from blood sucking and blood bath. Kurdaitcha is used to apply “hexing” which is the same debuff bone pointing applies. It’s only for increasing the damage of kundela slash on top of its base mdef down and dark damage increase effect (look at bokor’s hexing skill).

than theyr just need little changes in description.