Tree of Savior Forum

Featherfoot set

Hi all so, i need a lil help here since Solmiki is the best set right? so what should i wear until i get that?
wich weapon, sub wep, and all the rest?

Hi, aim Vienti set (Plate or Cloth) from Hunting grounds, 1~4 KK in market, not so difficult to farm, unlock 1 socket, insert 1 gem lvl 5~6; try enhance as far as you can get, than transcend it at least 1~2 stages, this will at least double the amount of defense. Get 1 Prac Rod (Windia Rod), enhance , insert 1 gem lvl 5~6 and transcend 2 stages, this will also double the damage (1000 to 2000 magic attack).

If you are at least Thauma 2, then you want a rod/dagger setup. If you aren’t then go for a staff.

Below 270 basically whatever you can get your hands on, probably from HG. From there, progression is basically:

Blue Migantis > Blue Pevordimas/Purine Migantis > Purine Pevordimas/Single Pract > Double Pract/Lolopanther > Solmiki

Your dagger is completely irrelevant to your damage though, you just need it for the swell right arm buff. I suppose that makes Venom the best offhand as it’s the only one that gives you any sort of real benefit.