Tree of Savior Forum

Featherfoot 6 previous ranks [Need Help]

(Sorry for bad English)

I still love this game and I will create my eighth character , but I need help.

I want to create a Featherfoot , and thought in the following way to level up:

Wiz 2 > Linker 3 > ??? > Featherfoot

Apparently it will be very good late game , giving good support before the rank 7. But what to put on rank 6 ?

It is true that Chronomancer Stop skill not stop damage of the Blood Bath?

Any suggestions for rank 6?

Thank you!

Go for Wiz C3 in rank 6

What about

Wiz3 > Linker2 > RuneCaster > FF

Sorry misread your question.

Rune Caster / Necro / Thauma / Wiz 3.

Best choice should be Wiz 3

Necro or Thauma

I’d go full INT and use transpose 600 con to share with party and heal up with blood bath, not sure on how viable this would really be but Linker 3 Lifeline sounds too OP to me, specialy with Thaum’s transpose

As of now, blood bath’s heal is pathetic. Blood sucking is the real sustain skill of featherfoot. Blood bath will be changed in the future to heal % hp based on the damage done. Until then stop + blood bath will only net you damage. The heal from the blood pool is currently negligible.

I personally went pyro c2 > Linker c1 > pyro c3 > linker c2 >Feather. Feather NEEDS link. It’s just as simple as that. With the way I personally made it you have good combo’s like link>joint>Fire pillar. All the mods you’ve now linked are stuck and you can go ham with whatever dps you want. As for late game this build handles solo mobs with 90k-ish hp kinda easy. The only realy problem is cool downs. Fire pillar has a long cd so if you wanna spam that combo you have to wait over a minute. I wouldn’t bother going c2-c3 wiz as a feather over pyro or cryo but that’s just me. I don’t think magic missle and quick cast makes up for all the skills you’d get. Enjoy Feather foot :smiley:

If you went wiz 3 -> link -> x -> FF. You can easily replicate the damage by using Quick Cast -> JP -> HK -> Blood Bath -> Magic Missile. combo. This combo has a lower cooldown than the pyro rotation. Sure Spell is also a bonus if you want to channel blood sucking freely to restore your HP without relying on the fire pillar setup. In short, wiz 3 does make up for the skills you didn’t get from pyro. It also gives you the freedom to choose your rank 5 and 6 freely.

I know you love pyro but please do not say that wiz 2/3 is not worth it for a featherfoot build.

I still honestly don’t see the benefit over having fireball and flameground/firewall compared to wiz c3 skills. I played many different builds before I settled on this one. And it’s not exactly that I like pyro it’s just vs wiz c3 for leveling and group bossing I found that pyro c3 is alot better dps wise if you can keep your fireball on one target. You’ll find yourself enjoying playing this more because you won’t just be spamming magic missle twice and wait 16 seconds before you become useful again at lower levels. It’s a hard route to play wiz c3 if you get bored easy.

What about

  1. Wiz1>Pyro1>Linker1>Pyro3>Wiz2>Feather, getting Wiz2 at rank 6 for surespell to help the channeling of blood sucking and hell breath

  2. What about adding Sorc to featherfoot instead such as

a) Wiz3>Link1>Sorc2>Feather
b) Wiz1>Pyro1>Link1>Pyro2>Sorc2>Feather

Hell breath is GARBAGEEEE lol Trust me not worth the time. Blood sucking is good but it won’t be your major dps. Only use it when you want hp so taking a circle just to make sure you get to use it to it’s fullest isn’t worth it imo. Better off skipping c2 if you only want sure spell. No matter what try for linker c2 in a build it’s very needed.

Would a Pyro-Linker Feather or a Sorc-Linker Feather work better then?

I have a sorc but he’s also pyro c3. Linker sorcs do well in dungeon but they consume sp kinda quick. The only real problem I have with picking a dps starter class for the build is if you pick pyro your USELESS against fire type enemies, And same with cryo with ice. Do a little research and pick an element you think you’d enjoy,