Tree of Savior Forum

FEATHER FOOT issue againts Boss, not fair!

Hello, greetings.

I finally get FF class and I find that the main skills Blood Bath and Blood Sucking dont deals any damage on certain type of Boss, and I understand is because they have no blood.
But why is not fair?:
Well because other class who cast an floor skill such as Elementalist´s Frost Cloud, Wugushi´s Throw Gu Pot, Krivis´s Zaibas supposedly cant damage flying type monsters but the game design removes that restriction againts Boss and it is o.k. since they can absorb tons of damage.
So, I invested 6 classes (Wizard3/Thaumaturge3) to make my 7th stronger and is not even OP like others 7th classes, I´m kind of dissapointed.
I suggest to let the FF´s skills deal damage to Bosses only removing the life steal because it feel very useless in lot of situations.

Thanks :stuck_out_tongue:

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whut? lightning skill… Zaibas inst a ground skill…

Blood Sucking and Blood Bath does deal damage to all race. Blood Bath however does not deal the bleeding effect which is majority of its damage. Blood Sucking still deals full damage but cannot life steal unless the 240 dungeon gloves is equipped.

Well, at least BS does dmg, just dont heal(and we have Intasurta Gloves for change that)

Removing the life steal it’s against the concept of a blood mage, I rather see a item like intasurta gloves for BB

Let’s talk about fletchers being able to put anything they shoot to bleed while highlanders and featherfoots cannot.

Oh thanks for the info, gonna test it meticulously.

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wait with those gloves you can life steal (blood sucking) from any type of monster? whats the name of the glove again? can anyone verify this?

inb4 fletchers whine in R8


Ask Hunter if it fair or not.

no other wizards can heal themselves, not fair.

that’s the game. life is not fair.

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Were those the gloves that let you use your FF skills on all races? I thought it was suppose to say something about it on them.

Yeah they are… Why tosbase doesn’t have that description I don’t know.