Tree of Savior Forum

Favourite "WTF" moments in tree of savior

I’m sure people have come across one or two moments while playing this game that’s a well, wtf moment.
(Try to keep them more comedic)

So why not share?

Current favourite is how whenever you use Psychic Pressure you proceed to move without animation and with the correct movement you can even lock your head into a fixed direction making it look like you’ve snapped your neck. Makes it far more entertaining.

I will never forget all “The Exorcist” moments with my Catagoon when performing Dragon Soar while mounted.

The head just stays in place while everything else (char body and mount) spins around. :joy_cat:

Maybe they fixed that already.

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when IMC change instance dungeon reset time and make the T sv. bug for 3 weeks , and write resolve patched 2 times :grinning:

claim with 5 more hr in maintenance to fixed the little mistake.

PS. just irony :raised_hands:


The time when we actually got a match during the last GvG.


I just had a WTF moment myself, I went into Pystis on Channel 4, and some guy ran up to me getting bothered about that I was on his channel.

So muted him and idled some place since he was literally following me about.

He’s still there.

Tree of Savior is srs bisnez

Lets see how long he’ll stay.


Over half an hour so far. They managed to kill me by aggroing stuff, so went some place less populated.


Well over an hour now

Whatever you do, do not go into Pystis Channel 4

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When this happen


I love that bug.

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Accidentally losing my head mid-dungeon run.


I have a constant slow-burn-wtf from the head spinning glitch that is always always there and has been for over a year now.

I once landed two double reincarnates in missions. WAIT THE best thing is watching my cataphract friend T-Pose on top of their mount every time they got frozen. I noticed this while questing with them in one of the layer maps and I lost my marbles every time it happened.

On that I have to agree with you. Farming these materials really requires lot of effort. The least people needs is someone making things worse when all other channels are there for them >.< anyone who ever understands DPK works also understands why they should respect others when farming, it doesn’t hurt to move to another channel, really. Especially now with an unpredictable pseudo-DPK.

The most “WTF” moment I have recorded was in TBL when two Scouts used Camouflage and turned the match into an 1v1 barrel fight:

I wish I had recorded it from the start.


Had fun making the post. XD

Obnoxious twat? That’s why I muted you in the first place.

“Hi, can you please go to another channel if you’re farming?”

Friendliness goes a long way. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

I’m not going to join the drama but I have to ask one thing now:

Would you consider it friendly in the first place for someone to enter the channel you’re farming a DPK material and start randomly killing monsters around and possibly stealing the material you spent around one hour killing monsters to try to get?


Didn’t touch anything - that’s the whole point.

Also I don’t really mind - I either jump to another channel or stay put depending on if they’re focusing on things I want to farm.

There is no need for hostility.

That was far later.

You were rude in our initial correspondence, and didn’t expect that people might react accordingly but anyway. That will be my last post. Topic is getting way off-topic. PM me if you want to carry on further.

It’s not something like one is right and other is wrong. It’s just… complicated stuff.

I’m pretty sure no one would know if you killed monsters or not if you’re walking around and linking monsters ( ? ) [that’s what I could understand from the link/wife/etc part]. You could have killed some and say you did and no one would know since you were offscreen and could lie about it.

Plus if you don’t mind moving after hours farming in a single channel and throwing away your progress others do mind. That’s something to think about. The person could have a job and only have 1 to 3 hours to farm stuff and they could be losing the entire day if switch channels every time someone appeared.

It’s more like something of common sense. If you want to be respected, try to respect others first. I’m pretty sure that it would trigger a “flag” for anyone farming DPK for hours but no one would actually be hostile to the other without a reason (especially due to the fear of “oh, right, now I’m gonna stay” type of reaction).

But think a bit, it might seem to be a dumb thing but doing these things is really bad on the eyes of most people that farm materials. It’s nothing like you farm a DPK item once and you’re done, really. For materials you need to farm 30-60 items and that can easily translate to 40+ hours of farming each pack of items, each time some item doesn’t drop you add one more 30 minutes - 1 hour to the total.

Try to think about it a bit >.< If you’re that annoyed with the situation try to understand that hours of farming an item in the current system can be really exhausting. Everyone wants the less interruptions they can get. The “channel doesn’t have your name” thing might be true for you but people who actively farm DPK items learned to respect each other when farming these. It can be already hard, there’s no point making it harder than it already can be.

It can be just as rude to enter a channel and start killing things when someone else is farming there.

Now, I’m out too ~

P.S.: @rancub It seems to be a mix of DPK and RNG. It’s not pure DPK nor pure RNG, afaik, but I stopped farming before the change so I don’t know exactly how it works but I’d say it can require around the same or more effort to farm. There are some threads about this, you can PM me to ask for them if you can’t find.


Didn’t they change the DPK to RNG?

To be fair i’m on Casey’s side of this.
Even in your screen shot the initial comment is "CAN YOU NOT"
Rather than i’m trying to farm a drop, could you change channel.
You then list the contents of each other channel. Honestly, you sounded like a whiny brat.

"CAN YOU NOT, 5 channels, and you chose mine, why? Why? Channel 1 : 0, Channel 2 : 0, Channel 3: 0"
Of course anyone would react badly to that. It’s like a child getting upset because you picked up his toy without permission and complaining that there’s other toys why’d you have to pick up mine.

Boo, somebody used words that I didn’t like