Tree of Savior Forum

Family Name Issue

Hi so simply put I ■■■■■■ up thinking that the family name was just a hub not knowing what it meant to pick one… is there by any chance I can get this reverted or atleast be told how buy tp to change my name since i can’t seem to fix it otherwise

Get your founder pack and change team name in lodge. Team name change is not free, as i know.

see the problem is I didn’t realize that team names were the one that was unique and thought it would be character names sadly sigh so i bought character slots and used up my tp already lmao

I didn’t bother looking up any of this stuff because i didn’t wanna spoil myself in anyway but i feel like i got punished because nothing was throughly explained about what exactly the team name was etc. In fact the only thing even said when you pick a team name is oh you can change it later as if telling you not to worry about it -_-.

Yeah sadly ignorance is troublesome, knowledge is power, and unfortunately you didn’t know. 150 tp isn’t too much don’t worry.

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the way you put it is as if i’m suppose to understand that it’ll cost me something around 10-15 dollars just to change the team name because the game literally tells me Don’t worry you can just change it later instead of be careful this name is unique and cost 10-15 dollars to change also not having the option to buy tp atm makes this all the more worse.

Same problem here man. Right when you choose your team name it says you can change it. What they didnt put is the fact that you have to pay tp. How greedy can a company be… Why couldnt they just state that you have to pay tp to change it is beyond me.

I honestly don’t even care about having to pay tp at this point it just irritates the ■■■■ outta me that i can’t even do that because theres literally no option to buy tp

What irritates me is the fact that its a shitfuck move not stating that you have to pay tp right on that screen.

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Same here. Instantly made me to hate the company. It’s such a cheap move

Its really depressing considering that having to wait till they release a way to buy tp will essentially mean I am probably not getting the “team” name that i want sigh.

BEcause changing your real name in reallife is free, right?
Stop bitching about something you didnt care to inquire about beforehand.
But if u are teh kind of person to start hating things because of ones own ignorance do what people with to much hate should do.
Spend time on selfreflection.

What kind of retarded logic is that really lmfao? so do doctors go oh hey man just right the name of your child here oh don’t worry you can just change it later bro its all cool stop being a dipshit. Also how in the world is it ignorance and bad that i didn’t inquire into something before the game came out? the whole point of gaming is to go into it fresh and enjoy it as a new experience I don’t want to watch people playing the game before i get a chance wtf lmao

They should give us a 1 free Team name change. :c

They should redo the text to actually warn you of the fact that team names are unique and will require a payment to change before you even choose it.

Naming a character and naming a child are fundamentally the same action and bear same consequences. Why would you want to do it carelessly in either situation?

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Lets call them then~

@Staff_Julie @STAFF_John

Like seriously… 150 TP?

Because the game literally says Do not worry as you can change it later without warning the fact that it will cost something to change literally in text as you choose the name and as a person coming into the game without spoiling all the game content for myself beforehand how in the world am I suppose to know the importance of a family name when it isn’t explained on the page

none of known MMOs warn about paid name services because thats trivial, common practice, something that you should assume by default.


Name me another mmo that makes you choose a “team” name which is your unique tag and where the actual character names are not unique hence allowing for a million people using the same name