Tree of Savior Forum

Falc 3 Skill and Attribute priority and BM or Merg?

Hey mate thanks for that detailed reply!

Regarding Circling, yeah I’m more pve based and core build is Falconer so I’m kinda biased, leaning towards having longer Circling effects in exchange of better Pheasant damage in terms of skilk allocation. Doing Velco just fine, and because I also believe Falco’s strength is mob clearing and such… So being top dps doesn’t worry me too much really.

About Homing vs Spread Shot, yeah I feel the same… Although they did sorta fix Spread Shot, having high AAR makes my Homing Arrow better now. On top of that, with boss all them arrows will hit, versus Spread Shot which will most likely “miss” anyway too…

No problem, mate!

What ever you enjoy is the best path for you. :grinning:

Take this into account as well; Homing Arrow (Charge Time) vs Spread Shot (Attack Speed).

About the Homing Arrow, yeah Spread Shot is insta cast but I learned not too long ago that the higher your Homing Arrow Skill level is, the “quicker” you can release it even before the charge is full.

In this matter I feel that everyone should atleast have Homing Arrow at level 2, which cuts charging time by “half”. On top of this, they already made Homing Arrow delay -35% quicker I think. Then lastly, we got Mergen2 attribute wquick charge :slight_smile: