Tree of Savior Forum

Fair warning to any new players planning to join the game on reopen next week

If you are the kind of gamer who enjoys rushing to end game instead of taking your time to enjoy all the content while leveling up: You’re going to have a bad time.

If you are the kind of gamer who enjoys only having one character and doesn’t like to have to remake your character in case you screw up your build: You’re going to have a bad time unless you do extensive research and read through the character forums

If you are the kind of gamer who gets extremely frustrated and upset over bots: You’re going to have a bad time.

If you don’t enjoy META whoring, want the freedom to build your own playstyle, and have trouble making friends you can group with together, yet still think ALL players will want you in their parties later: You’re going to have a bad time.

If you enjoy balanced PvP: You’re going to have a bad time.

If you enjoy playing a pure support character and don’t enjoy killing every enemy past level 75 slower than sh!t: You’re going to have a bad time.

If you prefer to play in groups the majority of the time in MMORPGs: You’re going to have a bad time until much later when people are forced to group and grind/farm groups are more common.

If you’re the kind of gamer who enjoys buying from RMTers and/or botting: :middle_finger::middle_finger::middle_finger::middle_finger::middle_finger:

This has been an announcement brought to by your friendly neighborhood FlanFlan.


I reinforce that ^. Want to compete with something? Go to other game, unless your aim is PvP (which is limited).

I will change your words to…

You HAVE TO do extensive research and read through the character forums.

This happen on any game that i am aware of, probably lol.[quote=“FlanFlan, post:1, topic:299841”]
yet still think ALL players will want you in their parties later: You’re going to have a bad time.

Whoever think that will have a bad time in any game, so the research point still important in the decision.

As far as i know, in any game, FS always do stuff slower, some more than others, so a party is a must for FS builds.

Not really, in the iCBT 2 you would find lots of groups even in the Lv 40 areas (Tenet Garden and after), of course the spawn system that time was better lol.

Do you call these gamers? I thought they was called lazy bums scrubs.

And yours truly annoying Nirimetus lol.

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They never said reopen would be this week…

you forgot “relying on steam news and forgetting the official website exists”









I’m only going off of what I keep hearing but if most people feel PvP actually IS balanced I’ll remove that part of this post since I’m not trying to misinform noobs.

If you take advice from these forums OR listen to ANYTHING anyone says here, you’ll have a bad time.

The paradox is this:

If you are telling people not to take advice or listen to anything anyone says on this forum, yet you are saying this on this forum, does that mean people SHOULD listen to what people say here since they aren’t supposed to listen to anything people say here, including you?

However, if they do choose not to listen to you after reading your warning, then should they also follow through with no listening to anyone else too? In which case, that means they actually did listen to you which invalidated what you said completely.

My brain can’t take this man.


If you want to try the game, ignore posts like this.

If the game is not enjoyable to you, stop playing and play something enjoyable.

If you like the game, keep playing.

If your unsure whether you like it or not, we’re due more things in the future, so take your time.

That is all there is to it. Posts like these are less useful and more of a turn off if anything.


yes me too i like @IMCisGreedy

Wouldn’t play here… just wait on unofficial servers because IMC has too much control over the marketplace, they dont want anybody to have alot of silver, and without silver you cant upgrade your attributes so you will be weak as hell end game, and the game wont be too enjoyable

Private servers are far far away, the closest is aura with minimal progress, you can just appear in-game.

This is also bad advice, if you want to play, play. If you like the game, suggest. Lucky for you, IMC listens. The speed at which they implement suggestions is questionable however, but it’s only been 2-3 months, and servers are only now opening to free players long term.

@FatePGN hi do you like dogs @FlanFlan is a puppy pet her

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Friendly…but will bite =p

@miamia do u want to see flan flan in a bunny costume Oo

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I think it’s fair to at least warn people they’re gonna want to research builds before playing, though who knows how many new players will see this and care to do research if they haven’t already xD Honestly what FlanFlan posted in most likely what we’ll see people upset over soon after f2p. Especially the builds, oh god the builds. I researched builds for 2 weeks before playing and research builds constantly and sometimes i still am unsure on what’s good because people say lots of different things and not everyone who’s writing guides or giving advice knows what they’re talking about and on top of that a lot of skills are lacking important information. I can’t wait for all those circle reset posts again /facepalm


I though the same, but private servers are really far far away, it probably will take a whole year to make it work like iToS is by now and then a few months to make it better.

hi @FlanFlan loves you > w < she told me to tell you

I am straight up confused about what your sarcasm is implying now. Or is it a continuation on implying that I’m an attention whore? Ya know with that “puppy” comment lol.

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